The following features are standard on our exercise machines
- Automatic monitoring and controlling of velocity or
resistance during the exercise.
- Programmable variable velocity to over 1000 degrees per
second in each direction.
- Programmed acceleration.
- Exercise specificity.
- Programmable variable resistance to over 1000 kg. in
each direction.
- Programmable pyramiding of resistance or speed in each
- Measures 16,000 times per second; adjusts 1,600 times
per second.
- Programmable range of motion in each direction.
- Velocity or resistance can be independently controlled in
each direction of each repetition.
- Computerized diagnostics and testing program for range
of motion, velocity, strength, peak force, peak hold, delay
time and fatigue index.
- Provides objective, not subjective, data supporting
rehabilitation planning and best return time to activity.
- Dynamic calibration throughout the entire range of
- Data storage of performance and progress can chart and
save each individuals exercise and diagnostic history for
immediate recall.
- Bi-directional training allows velocity and resistance in
each direction for each exercise to be independently
programmed and controlled. Utilizing opposing muscle
groups allows for maximum muscle fiber recruitment
without tearing muscle tissue and reduces soreness
- Comparison data is displayed visually on the monitor and
prints graphs, charts and tabloid comparison reports of
previous exercises and compares them with current
performances and/or optimal performances, training and
rehabilitation goals set earlier.
- Performance profiles provides an instant display of
average force for each repetition lifted, the maximum of
each repetition, the average of both up and down strokes
of the entire set and the total pounds lifted.
- Force curve illustrates the force, work, and power lifted in
relation to time, the position of the bar and the pace of
- Calculates and reports caloric expenditures.
- Over twenty different exercises can be performed.
- Fast set up for patient testing or training can be
accomplished in a matter of seconds.
- Endurance programs automatically reduce resistance
with each repetition accommodating the user’s level of
- Compare present performance vs. previous performance
- Compare pre-injury performance vs. post-injury performance
- Compare actual performance vs. ideal performance
- Compare right limb vs. left limb
- Compare extensors vs. flexors
- Monitor Force - Power - Speed -- (Any combination)
- A comprehensive EMG data acquisition system is
available, including functions such as real-time EMG
data collection, integration, spike analysis, power
spectrum, fatigue, and many more.
- Self-diagnose for mechanical or electrical system malfunction.
Exercise results can be displayed as:
- Endurance by repetition;
- Endurance by time;
- Wave form analysis;
- Fatigue curves.