ACES possess several unique
advances over other resistive exercise
The most significant of
these advances is the introduction of a
computer which
monitors and selects the amount of
force, velocity, acceleration, work,
power and fatigue. These
selections are made based on
continuous simultaneous
measurements from actual
ACES employs a sturdy digital
hydraulic resistor pack—instead of
weights, springs or manually-adjusted
pneumatics—to ensure safety, quietness
and efficiency.
ACES combines a unique set of
objectives which will be quite beneficial
to you and your organization. Naturally
we have the objective to help you to
achieve maximum health and fitness in
the shortest possible time, but we go
one step further. For the first time, you
can now use advanced technology to
manage and control your exercise
The unique ability of ACES to direct the
hydraulically controlled resistance
component in a “closed loop”
environment sets ACES apart from any
other exercise equipment that currently
exists in the fitness market today. Not
only can the ACES create an isokinetic
experience for all muscle groups, but
the software component is able to
record and quantify the results for all
individuals and their trainers/therapists
to understand the strengths and
weaknesses of an individual or a
patient during and after each
There are three basic forms of exercise commonly used today:
- Isotonic: a contraction where the muscle changes length when moving against a constant load like in a dumbbell curl.
- Isometric: a contraction when joint angle and muscle length do not change like when pushing against a wall.
- Isokinetic: a mechanical device that gives back resistance equal only to the amount of force applied and takes place at a
constant speed.
The ACES is the only machine which can use all three forms of exercise to work muscles.
In the initial stages of an isotonic lift (i.e. biceps curl), the joint is working against the weight of the dumbbell plus gravity and
inertia; therefore making the beginning portion of the lift more difficult. Once the gravity portion of the lift is overcome,
contractions and muscular recruitment are lessened through the remaining range of motion. As a result, muscular contraction
varies and is never consistent during this form of exercise. Conversely, ACES’ computer controlled technology ignores the
forces of gravity and provides constant and equal resistance throughout the entire range of motion allowing the full spectrum of
muscle fibers to engage evenly throughout the entire range of motion. With isokinetic technology, the harder one pushes, the
harder the computer communicates to the machine to push back.
Closed-chain exercise protocols are used extensively in
rehabilitation of knee injuries and are increasingly used in
rehabilitation of shoulder injuries. They are felt to be
preferable to other exercise programs as they are
considered more functional because they closely simulate
the actual movement patterns encountered in both sport
and daily activities, create little shear stress across injured
or healing joints, and reproduce proprioceptive stimuli.
Because of these advantages, they may be used early in
rehabilitation and have been integral parts of "accelerated"
rehabilitation programs.
Closed kinetic chain exercises are safer, particularly with
regard to a healing ACL graft. ACL strain is reduced
during closed kinetic chain exercise by virtue of the axial
orientation of the applied load and muscular co-contraction
of the quadriceps and hamstrings. In addition, closed
kinetic chain exercise, through recruitment of all hip, knee
and ankle extensors in synchrony, takes advantage of
specificity of training principles.
Most functional movements in the lower extremity take
place when the foot is on the ground. Muscle contractions
in closed kinetic chain motion are different from those in
open kinetic chain motion at the same joint, and they also
recruit all 3 joints in unison.
Closed kinetic chain exercise is more effective than joint
isolation exercise in restoring function in patients with
patellofemoral dysfunction, improving reflex stabilization
and proprioception, reducing pain and promoting a return
to normal daily activities and sports. For athletes in
particular, closed kinetic chain exercise has been shown to
more greatly improve strength and jumping ability in
comparison to open kinetic chain exercise.
ACES is the only “Closed Chain” isokinetic exercise machine on the
market in a multi-function and multi-joint platform.