Exercising on the Ariel Exercise System
The programming of ACES contains an extensive amount of possibilities for the person who strives for the fastest and the most efficient way to build up strength, endurance, power and general physical fitness. ACES is also invaluable for the physical rehabilitation specialist, the sports trainer and the researcher, since its computer graphics and printouts contain information that no other sophisticated rehabilitation equipment can possibly approach.
Isokinetic Computerized Fitness Training
- Bench Press/Pull
- Bench Press/Pull (Declined/Inclined)
- Sitting Press/Pull (Shoulder or Military Press)
- Standing Military Press/Pull
- Squat (Full/Half)
- Power Thrust Squat (Forward/Backward)
- Squat Life (Hands Holding the Bar)
- Inverted Leg Press/Pull
- Standing Calf Press
- Dead Lift/Back Extension
- Standing Calf Press
- Bicep Curls/Tricep
- Pull Down
- Lateral Side Pull/Push (right/Left)
- Arm Raise/Pull
- Shoulder Shrugs
- Wrist Flexion/Extension
- Leg Abduction/Abduction (Right/Left)
- Reverse Curls/Tricep Extension
- Sit Ups
- Oblique Sit-ups
Leg Extension/Flexion
- Primary:Vastus Lateralis,
Vastus Medial&, Rectos Femoris/ Secondary: Pectineus, Psoas Major
- Primary: Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus, Bicep Femoris /
Stabilization: Hip Flexors, Rectos abdominis
Standing Decline Press/Bent over Row
Standing Decline Press:
Primary: Pectoralis Major Secondary: Anterior Deltoid, Triceps/Stabilization: Erector Spinae Group, Rectus Abdominis, Transversalzs
Bent over Row:
Primary:Lattissimus Dorsi, Rear Deltoid/Secondary: Biceps, Tens Major/Minor, Trapezius, Rhomboid, Anterior Deltoid, Triceps/ Stabilization Muscles: Erector Spinae Group, Rectos Abdominzs, Transversalis
Primary: Gluteus Maximus, Vastus lateralis, Vastus Medialis, Rectos femoris I Secondary: Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus, Bicep Femoris, Gastrocnemius Stabilization: Rectos Abdominis, Transverse Abdominis, Erector Spinae
Shoulder Press/Lat Pull Down
Shoulder Press:
Primary: Anterior Deltoid, Medial Deltoid / Secondary: Triceps / Stabilization: Rectos Abdominis, Erector Spinae group
Lat Pull Down:
Primary: Lattissimus Dorsi Secondary: Biceps, Teres Minor/Major / Stabilization: Rectos Abdominis, Erector Spinae group
Chest Press/Row
Chest Press
Primary: Pectoralis Major Secondary: Anterior Deltoid, Triceps
Primary: Rear Deltoid, Rbomboids; Secondary: Biceps
Remember, ACES workouts are highly personalized, fast and safe!
They can be geared to any fitness level, and programs are individually tailored to the needs of each client.