Gideon B. Ariel, Ph.D.
Publications related to Anabolic Steroids
- Anabolic steroid: the physiological effects of placebos.
Track Technique, 46: 1470-1472, 1971.
- Athletes taking placebo for steroids improve. Track and
Field News, 1971.
- Effect of anabolic steroids on reflex components. Journal of
Applied Physiol, 32: 795-797, 1972.
- Anabolic steroids: The physiological effects of placebos.
Medicine and Science, 4: 124-126, 1972.
- Anabolic steroids and muscle contractile force. Track
Technique, 48: 1534-1536, 1972.
- The effects of anabolic steroid (Methandrostenolene) upon
physiological parameters. Athletic Training, 7: 190-200, 1972.
- Residual effect of an anabolic steroid upon isotonic
muscular force. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 1972.
- Anabolic steroids - a summary of related literature. Track
and Field Quarterly Review, 73: 48-58, 1973.
- Anabole steride: die physiologischen wirkungen von placebos.
Leis ungssport, 1.73: 52-55, 1973.
- Anabole steroid und die muskelkontraktionskraft.
Leistungssport, 1.73: 55-57, 1973.
- The effect of anabolic steroid upon skeletal muscle force. J
Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 13: 187-190, 1973.
- The effect of anabolic steroids on muscular force. Track
& Field Quarterly Review, 73: 184-191, 1973.
- Prolonged effects of anabolic steroid upon muscular
contractile force. Medicine and Science in Sports, 6: 62-64, 1974.
- Physiologische wirkungen von anabolen steoriden. pp.154-155.
Verlag Bartels & Wernitz KG. 1974.