- About file requirement in the NT system with the APAS
APAS on NT Installation
The complexity of the WinNT platform can be a challenging
task just to operate. Using the APAS system on this platform also provides some additional
workarounds that need to be considered. This web page is updated frequently to support the
users of the APAS system on the Windows NT platform.
Install - Starting the License manager
When installing the basic APAS system there is some missing
WinNT system files which has to be added after the normal installation. Follow the simple
few steps to extract the files from the APAS system directory:
Locate the setupex.exe file in the APAS system
directory (C:\Program Files\Ariel Dynamics\apas)
.It is important to execute the setupex.exe from the APAS
system directoryRun the file called setupex.exe from the APAS
The program installs some missing files to the NT
Reboot the system and the APASlight is ready to go.
Capturing video under the WinNT
We recommend that the miroVIDEO DC30plus is to be used. The miroVIDEO DC30plus is a
video capture hardware that works under both Win95/98 and the WinNT. It is currently
priced at about 3 times the Iomega Jaz Buz. Please specify this option on your purchase of
the APAS system.
Currently the Iomega Jaz Buz does not support
video capturing under the WinNT platform. If capturing video using the RealCap or the
Capture module is to be possible a different capture hardware has to be purchased. There
is many manufactures of video capture hardware, but we have only tested a few of the
latest models.
Currently known problems with the APAS
system modules under WinNT
The old APAS system used the Intel Video Recorder to capture the video onto the
computer harddrive. For this purpose the APAS system needed some special video drivers
which is supplied with the Intel Capture card. Using an older installation of the WinNT
platform the Indeo Video drivers is not included. The solution to this problem is to
download the Intel Indeo drivers and install them on the WinNT system. Remember that these
drivers is not required under Win95 or Win98 platform.
Using previous captured video files:
Intel Indeo Video drivers for the NT platform.
Hello Dr. Ariel,
I have downloaded the trial version of APAS Light from your web page some
days ago, but have been unsuccessful in getting the files to open. I
continue to get an error message saying I need the file 'ckserve' - which
does not exist anywhere on my computer at the moment. I tried to reinstall
the programs several times, and talked to our local WinNT network
administrator about it, but he could not determine the cause of the problem.
I thought that the 'ckserve' file might be activated when you receive the
system parameter from me. Perhaps the system parameter I sent in an earlier
email did not make it to you. To be sure, that code is: 8564006008BDCDB0.
I would appreciate any help you can offer with the problem I have had
starting the APAS on my system.
Uninstalling and Reinstalling the APAS System:
It is very simple.
1. Go to Control Panel:
2. Select : Add/ Remove Programs
3. Select APAS and Uninstall
4. Shut Down Computer.
5. Turn on Computer
L side of screen APAS
follow the instructions to download the
latest version of APAS XP.
Download and Save.
7. Go to Temp and Delete all install
files from previous install.
8. Go to where you saved the APAS XP,
double click and extract the files to Temp. Go to Temp, Double
Click the Setup. Follow the default for installation.
He will send back the key. Place the key in the blank box and you
should be good to go. gideon@arielnet.com9. It will not run because you had a
previous version so it will ask you for the code. When you get to
that screen, double click the code box, copy the code numbers (make
sure it is complete) fax to Gideon at (
For Renderer: You should have the files
already on the computer somewhere but you have to load the.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And this how you will get out of the trouble:
He needs to start the license manager. His problem is that he is running the
system on an NT where the crykey is running in what is called a license
manager. A small services in NT that make the crypkey protection work. If
this program is not running the APAS can not be executed.
Tell him that he needs to execute the file called setupex.exe from the apas
system directory (normally c:\Program Files\Ariel Dynamics\apas) as
described in the download area.
After executing this file the license manager will be running. He dont need
to run this file any more, only once. The next time he starts the computer
the license manager is automatically started up again.
Hi John!
Yes this is a veru common problem with all NT systems. When downloading
the system they are explained what to do when using the APAS on NT. Try
look on this page:
This explains what to do when running the APAS on NT. If you have
further questions please let me know.
Hi John!
Everybody using NT with the APAS system must have this ntupdate.
The license system needs the files, if the are found on the computer the
APAS system will not work.
I will update the NT page to avoid any misunderstanding. Also I will
look on the message you send and give a complte description what to do
for them.
Return-Path: <John.Greaves@MotionAnalysis.com>
From: "John Greaves" <John.Greaves@MotionAnalysis.com>
To: "Ariel" <info@arieldynamics.com>
Cc: "Rebecca Stine MAC" <Rebecca.Stine@MotionAnalysis.com>,
"Dan India" <Dan.India@MotionAnalysis.com>
Subject: RE: APAS on NT computer: Working to the next level
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 14:30:02 -0800
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.2106.4
Importance: Normal
Hi John,
Thanks for the note. We got to where we launch digi4.exe and it says:
Missing grid.vbx file. I looked on my NT directory and it is there in the
c:\program files\winnt\system32 directory. The NT environment shows a path
to it. I made a copy of it and put it into the APAS executable directory.
Launch Digi4, still the error message, then it exits. Without Digi4, we
don't have a working machine.
Let me know what you think might be the problem. One difference between
this one and Dan India's NT is that his is a dual-boot laptop (W95 and NT4),
both on the C: drive. That means both the W95 directories and the NT
directorys are on C:
Have you tried the APAS installation on an NT-only box? Could that be the
problem? I will try to install it on my NT only box in my office.
John O.B. Greaves, Ph.D.
VP Customer Support
Motion Analysis Corporation
FAX: 707-526-0629
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ariel [mailto:info@arieldynamics.com]
> Sent: Friday, November 20, 1998 10:06 AM
> To: John Greaves
> Subject: RE: APAS on NT computer: INSTRUCTIONS NOT RIGHT!
> Hi John,
> Glad to hear that you have the software working! But I am confused now
> because Dan India downloaded the same software!
> I assume that this system corresponds with your Purchase Order #15810 for
> the APAS software. If so, we also need to supply you with a Registration
> number. When you access the APAS icons, there will be a message screen
> that states how many days are left on the Trial Version of software. If
> you press the ENTER key during this message, you will be
> presented with the
> registration information. You should supply us with the SITE CODE and we
> will issue you a SITE LICENSE. This will unlock the software for
> unlimited
> use.
> You should also select the REGISTER icon and provide us with the Key Code
> number. We will also provide the PASSWORD (an additional registration
> feature.
> Sincerely,
> John Probe
> At 04:34 PM 11/19/98 -0800, you wrote:
> >Hi John,
> >Those are the instructions we had been following without success.
> >
> >
> >Download the file ntupdate.exe. This Update file is only required if you
> >have and older revision of the APASlight. If you intend to download the
> >newest revision this file is not necessary, jump to step 3 and
> continue from
> >there.
> >PROBLEM: The update file IS NEEDED for the very latest APAS. That we
> >figured out by ourselves, after much scrambling. JOHN G.
> >
> >Execute the file and extract the two files (cks.exe and
> setupex.exe) to the
> >directory with the APAS files. (The directory specified during the APAS
> >installation). Normally this directory will be C:\Program Files\Ariel
> >Dynamics\apas.
> >PROBLEM: the file chs.exe does not exist in the download. I
> managed to get
> >it from Dan India. THEN and FINALLY THEN we got it to work.
> >
> >
> >John O.B. Greaves, Ph.D.
> >VP Customer Support
> >Motion Analysis Corporation
> >Support@MotionAnalysis.com
> >FAX: 707-526-0629
> >
> >
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Ariel [mailto:info@arieldynamics.com]
> >> Sent: Thursday, November 19, 1998 3:44 PM
> >> To: John Greaves
> >> Subject: APAS on NT computer
> >>
> >>
> >> Hi John,
> >>
> >> Listed below you will find the instructions for installing the
> APAS system
> >> on an NT platform. They are copied from our web site at:
> >>
> >> /Main/winNT_faq.html
> >>
> >>
> >> According to the posted instructions, the ntupdate files are
> not required.
> >> I am trying to find out if these files are required for your
> application.
> >>
> >> I will get back to you as soon as I have any new information!
> >>
> >> Sincerely,
> >>
> >> John Probe
> >>
> >> ====================================
> >> APAS on WinNT platform
> >>
> >> Introduction
> >> The complexity of the WinNT platform can be a challenging task just to
> >> operate. Using the APAS system on a this platform also provides some
> >> additional workarounds that needs to be considered. This web page is
> >> updated frequently to support the users of the APAS system on
> the Windows
> >> NT platform.
> >>
> >> License manager
> >>
> >> When installing the basic APAS system there is some missing
> WinNT system
> >> files wich is is not included in the basic installation.
> Follow the simple
> >> few steps to download and install the missing files:
> >>
> >> Download the file ntupdate.exe. This Update file is only
> required if you
> >> have and older revision of the APASlight. If you intend to download the
> >> newest revision this file is not necessary, jump to step 3 and continue
> >> from there.
> >>
> >> Execute the file and extract the two files (cks.exe and
> >> setupex.exe) to the
> >> directory with the APAS files. (The directory specified during the APAS
> >> installation). Normally this directory will be C:\Program Files\Ariel
> >> Dynamics\apas.
> >>
> >> Run the file called setupex.exe from the APAS directory.
> >>
> >> The program installs the missing files to the NT system.
> >>
> >> Reboot the system and the APASlight is ready to go.
> >>
> >> Capturing video under the WinNT platform
> >>
> >> Currently the Iomega Jaz Buz does not support video capturing under the
> >> WinNT platform. If capturing video using the RealCap or the
> Capture module
> >> is to be possible a different capture hardware has to be
> purchased. There
> >> is many manufactures of video capture hardware, but we have
> only tested a
> >> few of the latest models.
> >> We recommend that the miroVIDEO DC30plus is to be used. The miroVIDEO
> >> DC30plus is a video capture hardware that works under both
> >> Win95/98 and the
> >> WinNT. It is currently priced at about 3 times the Iomega Jaz
> Buz. Please
> >> specify this option on your purchase of the APAS system.
> >>
> >> Currently known problems with the APAS system modules under WinNT
> >>
> >> Using previous captured video files:
> >> The old APAS system used the Intel Video Recorder to capture the
> >> video onto
> >> the computer harddrive. For this purpose the APAS system needed some
> >> special video drivers which is supplied with the Intel Capture
> card. Using
> >> an older installation of the WinNT platform the Indeo Video
> drivers is not
> >> included. The solution to this problem is to download the Intel Indeo
> >> drivers and install them on the WinNT system. Remember that
> these drivers
> >> is not required under Win95 or Win98 platform.
> >>
> >> Intel Indeo Video drivers for the NT platform.
I tried to install a NT system here in Denmark but it does not work for me
rigth now, but I have been checking up on what could be the problems:
Most important for NT users is to have two files within the APAS system
directory. This is normally the C:\Program Files\Ariel Dynamics\APAS. The
two files needed is the cks.exe and the setupex.exe wich is part of the
ntupdate.exe wich can be downloaded from the net. Downloading the current
version everybody will have the two files installed allready. On the web it
say that only people with an old version of the APAS system need to download
the ntupdate.exe file, this is a bit confusing and will be change ASAP.
After the two files has been located in the correct directory (wich MUST be
the directory where all the APAS system files has to be located) the user
must execute (run) the program setupex.exe. This program will install some
nessesary files for the NT system. After the program is finished the
computer reboots and the APAS system should be working.
If people download the ntupdate.exe and dont extract the two files (cks.exe
and the setupex.exe) to the directory where the APAS system files are
located, and execute it from there, the protection system is setup wrong and
has to be changed. For this purpose there is a program called ckconfig.exe
wich contains the path to the APAS system installed. When starting this
program (properbly located in the c:\winnt directory) you can change the
I suggest that we try to have the two users execute this program (they can
use find file to locate the directory of the ckconfig.exe) and view what
path that is entered in the system.
Also make sure what did they do when they tried to install the system, if
step by step is possible it would be nice.
We really need some kind of experience in the NT field this will be the
future and we need to be experts in it.
If you want I can contact the guys my self and see if I can solve the
problem, with them.
- Return-Path: <John.Greaves@MotionAnalysis.com>
From: "John Greaves" <John.Greaves@MotionAnalysis.com>
To: "John Probe-Ariel" <info@arieldynamics.com>
Cc: "Rebecca Stine MAC" <Rebecca.Stine@MotionAnalysis.com>,
"Dave Warrender" <Dave.Warrender@MotionAnalysis.com>,
"Len Ball - MAC" <Len.Ball@MotionAnalysis.com>,
"Gideon Ariel" <gideon@arielnet.com>,
"Dan India" <Dan.India@MotionAnalysis.com>
Subject: Can't get APAS to run on NT-only box #1 or NTonly box #2. Help.
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 15:48:24 -0800
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
Importance: Normal
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.2106.4
Hi John,
I loaded the two files from the Net (APAS light and NTUPDATE) onto my office
NT only (no dual boot for W95 like Dan India's laptop). I got the same
thing as what we are loading onto the NT-only box that we are trying to
ship. We got the license file OK from Gideon (I guess).
Here is what happens on NT Only box #2 (same thing as NT-only box #1):
Launch Digi4: License message, then "Unable to locate GRID.VBX", when I
push OK, program terminates.
Launch RealCap: Launches OK, runs, I load a Falcon camera made AVI file
under the "Trim Old AVI" menu, it shows OK. When I try to save it (I am not
sure what this is trying to save), it gives an Application Error, Dr. Watson
message, program termninates.
Launch RealCap: "No Capture hardware found." That makes sense, since there
is no Ariel frame grabber in the computer.
>From another APAS module Launch (I am not sure which program module caused
this since it was in back of some other messages, but it sounds like it
would be important): "Unable to load the library: cbw32.dll".
The only difference I can imagine between these 2 boxes and the one Dan has
(and the ones you have been using maybe?) is that it does not have the dual
boot for NT and W95. I remember talking with Gideon in San Antonio -- we
were looking the the W95/NT dual boot licensing things on Dan's laptop. The
license files are different for the two Operating Systems according to
Gideon, but the place where they live is the same.
For supporting and getting APAS to run, I will need a license for my office
The APAS site code is: D6B9 FEF1 7F8C 442F 3F
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
John O.B. Greaves, Ph.D.
VP Customer Support
Motion Analysis Corporation
FAX: 707-526-0629
Return-Path: <John.Greaves@MotionAnalysis.com>
From: "John Greaves" <John.Greaves@MotionAnalysis.com>
To: "John Probe-Ariel" <info@arieldynamics.com>
Cc: "Shel Fung - MAC" <Shel.Fung@MotionAnalysis.com>,
"Rebecca Stine MAC" <Rebecca.Stine@MotionAnalysis.com>,
"Dan India" <Dan.India@MotionAnalysis.com>,
"Gideon Ariel" <gideon@arielnet.com>
Subject: Digi4 launches OK with grid.vbx in the windows\system directory
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 16:00:02 -0800
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
Importance: Normal
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.2106.4
John: I did as you suggested, copied the NT's grid.vbx to a new directory
(for windows nt): C:\windows\system directory.
Bingo. Digi4 now launches and comes up, and reads in an avi file made from
our Falcon 240 Video Recorder. Good news and thanks for the help.
John O.B. Greaves, Ph.D.
VP Customer Support
Motion Analysis Corporation
FAX: 707-526-0629
Return-Path: <John.Greaves@MotionAnalysis.com>
From: "John Greaves" <John.Greaves@MotionAnalysis.com>
To: "Ariel" <info@arieldynamics.com>
Cc: "Dave Warrender" <Dave.Warrender@MotionAnalysis.com>,
"Dan India" <Dan.India@MotionAnalysis.com>,
"Shel Fung - MAC" <Shel.Fung@MotionAnalysis.com>
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 16:34:35 -0800
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
Importance: Normal
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.2106.4
Hi John,
Those are the instructions we had been following without success.
Download the file ntupdate.exe. This Update file is only required if you
have and older revision of the APASlight. If you intend to download the
newest revision this file is not necessary, jump to step 3 and continue from
PROBLEM: The update file IS NEEDED for the very latest APAS. That we
figured out by ourselves, after much scrambling. JOHN G.
Execute the file and extract the two files (cks.exe and setupex.exe) to the
directory with the APAS files. (The directory specified during the APAS
installation). Normally this directory will be C:\Program Files\Ariel
PROBLEM: the file chs.exe does not exist in the download. I managed to get
it from Dan India. THEN and FINALLY THEN we got it to work.
John O.B. Greaves, Ph.D.
VP Customer Support
Motion Analysis Corporation
FAX: 707-526-0629
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ariel [mailto:info@arieldynamics.com]
> Sent: Thursday, November 19, 1998 3:44 PM
> To: John Greaves
> Subject: APAS on NT computer
> Hi John,
> Listed below you will find the instructions for installing the APAS system
> on an NT platform. They are copied from our web site at:
> /Main/winNT_faq.html
> According to the posted instructions, the ntupdate files are not required.
> I am trying to find out if these files are required for your application.
> I will get back to you as soon as I have any new information!
> Sincerely,
> John Probe
> ====================================
> APAS on WinNT platform
> Introduction
> The complexity of the WinNT platform can be a challenging task just to
> operate. Using the APAS system on a this platform also provides some
> additional workarounds that needs to be considered. This web page is
> updated frequently to support the users of the APAS system on the Windows
> NT platform.
> License manager
> When installing the basic APAS system there is some missing WinNT system
> files wich is is not included in the basic installation. Follow the simple
> few steps to download and install the missing files:
> Download the file ntupdate.exe. This Update file is only required if you
> have and older revision of the APASlight. If you intend to download the
> newest revision this file is not necessary, jump to step 3 and continue
> from there.
> Execute the file and extract the two files (cks.exe and
> setupex.exe) to the
> directory with the APAS files. (The directory specified during the APAS
> installation). Normally this directory will be C:\Program Files\Ariel
> Dynamics\apas.
> Run the file called setupex.exe from the APAS directory.
> The program installs the missing files to the NT system.
> Reboot the system and the APASlight is ready to go.
> Capturing video under the WinNT platform
> Currently the Iomega Jaz Buz does not support video capturing under the
> WinNT platform. If capturing video using the RealCap or the Capture module
> is to be possible a different capture hardware has to be purchased. There
> is many manufactures of video capture hardware, but we have only tested a
> few of the latest models.
> We recommend that the miroVIDEO DC30plus is to be used. The miroVIDEO
> DC30plus is a video capture hardware that works under both
> Win95/98 and the
> WinNT. It is currently priced at about 3 times the Iomega Jaz Buz. Please
> specify this option on your purchase of the APAS system.
> Currently known problems with the APAS system modules under WinNT
> Using previous captured video files:
> The old APAS system used the Intel Video Recorder to capture the
> video onto
> the computer harddrive. For this purpose the APAS system needed some
> special video drivers which is supplied with the Intel Capture card. Using
> an older installation of the WinNT platform the Indeo Video drivers is not
> included. The solution to this problem is to download the Intel Indeo
> drivers and install them on the WinNT system. Remember that these drivers
> is not required under Win95 or Win98 platform.
> Intel Indeo Video drivers for the NT platform.
Hi Chris:
No. YOu should create a windows directory and put it there. It looks for windows directory
on C:\ But we are fixing it now and it will be ready in a week or so. We must change some
of our programs to win32 where we will not need the grid.vbx
Check th FAQ on our web site related to the NT implementation.
Let me know
At 01:12 PM 11/23/98 +0800, you wrote:
>Dear Gideon,
>Just did a search and found Grid.vbx in WinNT\system32
>Should I copy it into the APAS directory?
>Dr. Chris Kirtley MD PhD
>Dept. of Rehabilitation Sciences
>The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
>Hong Kong
>Special Administrative Region of The People's Republic of China
>Tel: +852 2766 4830 Fax: 2330 8656
>Home: http://www.polyu.edu.hk/~rs/kirt/index.htm
>PolyU Gait Lab: http://www.rs.polyu.edu.hk/gaitlab
>Clinical Gait Analysis: http://www.polyu.edu.hk/cga
>Send subscribe/unsubscribe to listproc@info.curtin.edu.au
-Originating-IP: []
From: "Jan Brond" <jbrond@hotmail.com>
To: smilne@zoology.adelaide.edu.au
Cc: gideon@arielnet.com
Subject: APAS on NT
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 13:29:58 PST
Hi Stephen Milne!
I have been forwarded your message concerning the trouble with the APAS
system on the NT platform. It seems that on some systems the licens
manager has some trouble extracting the files and this might be your
problem too.
I have compressed the files in a normal zip file and attached it to this
email. Save the file on your computer and extract the files into the
directory of the APAS system. Execute the setupex.exe again located in
the APAS system directory.
This procedure has solve problems on few other systems, and I hope it
does for you too.
If you could be so kind and give me some information on you harddrive
format (ie NTFS or FAT), and also if you use any kind of harddrive
compression I would be very happy.
Thanks for your interest in the APAS system.
Ariel Dynamics Inc.
Return-Path: <John.Greaves@MotionAnalysis.com>
From: "John Greaves" <John.Greaves@MotionAnalysis.com>
To: "Ariel" <info@arieldynamics.com>
Cc: "Rebecca Stine MAC" <Rebecca.Stine@MotionAnalysis.com>,
"Dan India" <Dan.India@MotionAnalysis.com>
Subject: RE: Ariel Site Key / John Greaves
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 13:18:04 -0800
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.2106.4
Importance: Normal
John, Gideon:
Thanks, got the key. The NT version seems to be working. We will test it
some more and do a 240 Hz. calibration and trial with the new Falcon Video
John O.B. Greaves, Ph.D.
VP Customer Support
Motion Analysis Corporation
FAX: 707-526-0629
X-Originating-IP: []
From: "Jan Brond" <jbrond@hotmail.com>
To: smilne@zoology.adelaide.edu.au
Cc: gideon@arielnet.com
Subject: Re: APAS on NT - One more try!
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 23:05:07 PST
Hi Stephen Milne!
Am I happy to recive your message, I dont have any NT system with at the
moment so everything was by trial and error.
The last trouble you have is somewhat simple!!! If you can say so.
The APAS system is developed for win95 and therefor expect the grid.vbx
to be located in a directory called c:\windows\system
Create a direcory with this path and find the grid.wbx wich is properbly
located in the c:\winnt\system32 or c:\winnt\system
About the cbw32.dll it should be located in the system directory (ie
c:\winnt\system32 or c:\winnt\system) or the same directory as the APAS
module it self. Try locate where the cbw32.dll is located and move it to
the same directory as the APAS system (ie c:\Program Files\Ariel
About the license the Light version is only a trial version for 14 days,
if you need more time please contact Gideon Ariel (gideon@arielnet.com)
and ask for more time. Normally this is not a problem, and in your case
OK because you were patient with us.
Hope to hear from you
Ariel Dynamics Inc
X-Sender: ariel1@popd.ix.netcom.com
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 14:57:06 -0800
To: "Pierre Gervais" <pgervais@per.ualberta.ca>
From: Ariel <info@arieldynamics.com>
Subject: Re: Just Checking
Cc: gideon@arielnet.com
Hi Pierre,
I will provide answers below each of your questions.
At 03:25 PM 1/20/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi John,
>Things are going quite well with the new software. All my students are
>very pleased. I don't know when I am going to get a chance to use it
>though. I had a little trouble between my video board and the buz but
>that seems to have been resolved with the new buz drivers. I was still
>having some difficulty getting into some modules but talking to someone at
>your office suggested that I had an older version of the software and gave
>me the needed passwords and I was on my way.
>I do have a few questions though.
>1. if I download APAS light again from the your site can I upgrade what I
>have? (or do I need to? --have there been any changes?)
> and if yes how should I go about it --- with respect to putting in the
Answer 1.
Once you have input the codes, they will remain on your system unless you
rearrange the software paths or format your hard drive. The steps for
upgrading the software are:
a. Select the Add/Remove Programs icon from the Windows Control Panel.
b. Select APAS System and then the REMOVE button
c. Download "new" APAS file and unzip to a TEMPORARY
d. Run the SETUP.EXE program from the TEMPORARY directory.
NOTE: Keep the same paths and directory structure!
This will install the "new" software and retain your System Codes. We are
constantly improving the software but I would recommend that you only
upgrade when you see major revision number changes. For example, it is
probably not worth the trouble to upgrade from 1.3 to 1.5. However,
upgrading from Revision 1.3 to 2.0 probably would be worth the effort.
>2. I have ask you this once before but deleted the response before I had a
>chance to act on it. What type of A/D board is currently being used with
>your systems. Will the A/D board I have with my old APAS system work in a
>Pentium with your new software? ( the poor old machine is on its last legs.
>Problem with the processor board and ram)
Answer 2.
The current A/D board is the PCI-1200/JR made by Computerboards Inc. The
Ariel 16 channel box will work with the "new" A/D board provided you have
the correct cable. You can either make this cable yourself or purchase it
from Ariel for $125 USD. The "old" internal A/D board will not work with
the Windows software. If the computer ends up falling apart and you do not
have a use for the "old" A/D board, we might have a use for it here
(repairs and such). Let me know if this happens and you are not going to
use it.
>3. Because of the demands on the APAS system these days, could you tell me
>what it might cost me to duplicate the software on another workstation?
>I guess that's about it and thanks again..
Answer 3.
The APAS software can be implemented on any number of your existing
computers for a cost of $500 per computer.
Please contact either Gideon or myself for any additional information.
John Probe
Ariel Dynamics, Inc.
4891 Ronson Court
Suite F
San Diego, California 92111 USA
(619) 874-2547 Tel
(619) 874-2549 Fax
Email: info@arieldynamics.com
Web Site: /
Web Site:
Email: info@arieldynamics.com
(619) 874-2549 Fax
(619) 874-2547 Tel
San Diego, California 92111 USA
Suite F
4891 Ronson Court
Ariel Dynamics, Inc.
John Probe
John Probe
I hope this information is helpful!
No. Once you have specified the Synch images, the APAS software will "adjust"
the selected view to match up the Synch Point at time=0.00 seconds. Obviously, for 3D
images, the software can only use data from a minimum of 2 cameras.
5. As long as my starting frame is synched do the views have to have the same number of
If you create a new sequence and the cameras have not physically moved from the prior
sequence, then you can read the digitized locations from the prior sequence. If the
cameras have moved since the calibration fixture was recorded, then you will have to
record (and digitize) the calibration points again.
4. Do I need to redigitze the control cube after the new sequence was created and READ
from another .cf file.
I do not quite understand your reported situation. Once the fixed point is established
(digitized) in the first image, it can not be moved during the process of digitizing. If
it needs to be re-adjusted in the first frame (prior to any successive images being
digitized) you can use the correct button to back-up to the fixed point, and then
redigitize it.
3. In my 1st view of 3 views of a backhand, in the first frame the box for the fixed
point is not where I want the fixed point to be. How do I move it?
The On-Line manuals can be found at: /Main/adw-91.html
2. Where do I get instructions on how to use the trimmer? Digitizing 32?
The DIGI32 module is a full 32-bit version of the DIGI4 program. In the Revision 1.9
software, you can use either one of these programs. In the very near future, the DIGI32
program will replace the DIGI4 program. I recommend that you start using the DIGI32
Dear John,I have downloaded 1.9 from Ariel Web. After installing it. I tried to set up
a new sequence.
1 Should I use Digitizing 32?
Hi Jim,
I will provide answers below each of your questions.
At 11:52 PM 2/7/99 -0600, you wrote:
X-Sender: ariel1@popd.ix.netcom.com
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 02:12:10 -0800
To: RepoMan plyos@ix.netcom.com
From: Gideon Ariel info@arieldynamics.com
Subject: Re: questions
Cc: gideon@arielnet.com /
Dear Sir, I downloaded a sample copy of you software, but unfortunantly I
don't know where to begin in evaluating it. Please help !!!!! Thanx, Lorjust Bayne III
Thank you for your interest in the Ariel Performance Analysis System (APAS-99). The
APAS software is divided into many different modules. In order to perform a movement
analysis sequence, you must have the ability to capture video to an AVI file format. Once
you have an AVI file, you can access the following modules (in order) to perform the
CAPTURE or REALCAP program is used to capture the video to the AVI format.
DIGITIZE is used to digitize the video data
TRANSFORM is used to transform one or more camera views into a 2 or 3-dimensional image.
FILTER is used to remove random digitizing errors and "smooth" the data.
DISPLAY or APASVIEW is used to display the results.
Please refer to the on-line manuals of each module for additional assistance. These can be
accessed directly at the following address:
We look forward to your comments and suggestions.
John Probe
At 12:05 PM 4/5/99 -0700, you wrote:
Also, I reported an installation bug on all workstation but the NT
(unable to install APAS on another directory thant that proposed). I think I found the
problem. It may be helpful to some of your customers. I don't have the problem if I
disconnect the workstation from the networks ( I have a Banyan Vines server and a NT
At 16:30 29-04-99 -0700, you wrote:
From: Andrew Cresswell [mailto:andrew.cresswell@neuro.ki.se]
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2000 08:35
Subject: APAS 2000
Sorry to trouble you but I heard from Gideon
that you have installed the APAS on a Windows 2000 system.
Andrew G. Cresswell
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute and
University College of Physical Education and Sports
Box 5626
Stockholm, S-114 86
tel +46 8 402 22 43
Gideon said that you got past that....
Please reinstall DCW amd make sure this file is
installed in the specific path"
The following file is required for setup in Windows NT
and can not be found c:\Program files\ariel dynamics\APAS\cks.exe
When I try to install on a fresh system by
following the instructions and running "setup" in the APAS directory I get an
error "
Hello Logan,
When installing the basic APAS system for use with NT4, you must also have
the NT Service Pack installed. Regarding the APAS software, there are some
missing WinNT system files that have to be added after the normal
installation. Follow the steps below to extract the files from the APAS
system directory:
1. Locate the setupex.exe file in the APAS system directory (C:\Program
Files\Ariel Dynamics\apas)
2. Run the file called setupex.exe from the APAS directory. It is
important to execute the setupex.exe from the APAS system directory.
3. The program installs the missing files to the NT system.
4. Reboot the system and the APAS is ready to go.
I hope this information is helpful.
At 07:41 AM 05/10/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>Stan, I have attached the a description of my Installation problems.
>Logan E. Mullinix
>Chief Engineer, Design and Development
>National Seating CO, Inc.
>200 National Drive
>Vonore, TN 37885-9631
>800-222-7328 ext. 176
>423-884-6667 fax
>Attachment Converted: "F:\MAIL\ATTUCH~1\TechSupport000510.doc"
Ariel Dynamics, Inc.
4891 Ronson Court
Suite F
San Diego, California 92111 USA
(858) 874-2547 Tel
(858) 874-2549 Fax
Email: info@arieldynamics.com
Web Site: /
Hi Chris -
Gideon asked me to answer this:
APAS will run on NT: in order to do so, you must run the file
setupex.exe in
the APAS installation directory. Note: this program does not appear
to do
anything, but installs some missing files for NT. Please only run it
For more information on this, please check our FAQ:
Hope this solves your problem.
Regards - Rudolf J.C. Buijs, Ariel Dynamics
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dr. Chris Kirtley" <kirtley@cua.edu>
To: "Gideon Ariel" <gideon@arielnet.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: Another try with APAS!
> Dear Gideon,
> Sorry - got distracted...
> I'm afraid I can't get access to the site code - just get the
> error.
> I remember that this was the problem I had last time I tried
> Hong Kong.
> Is it because I am on NT?
> Chris
> --
> Dr. Chris Kirtley MD PhD
> Associate Professor
> HomeCare Technologies for the 21st Century (Whitaker
> NIDRR Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on
> Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Pangborn 105B
> Catholic University of America
> 620 Michigan Ave NE
> Washington, DC 20064
> Tel. 202-319-6247, fax 202-319-4287
> Email: kirtley@cua.edu
> http://engineering.cua.edu/biomedical
> Clinical Gait Analysis: http://guardian.curtin.edu.au/cga
> Send subscribe/unsubscribe to listproc@info.curtin.edu.au
Hello Olivier,
We are currently using the STUDIO DV capture board made by Pinnacle
Systems. However, any frame grabber that is IEEE 1394 "FireWire"
compatible should work with the JVC camera.
The STUDIO DV board includes capturing software, however, the
video has to be extracted into single images. JVC accomplishes the
"high-speed" by slitting the full size image into either half or
size. I have attached a description that helps to explain this process.
This is written for NTSC format, but the same principle applies to the PAL
version cameras.
The Ariel Software Drivers for the JVC camera are required to access the
100 and 200 Hz video. These software drivers are NOT included in the
APAS software and would have to be purchased separately at a cost of
$3,500.00 USD. NOTE: Also it is recommended to use the SP mode
(not LP
mode) for recordings.
I hope this helps to answer your questions.
John Probe
Email: info@arieldynamics.com
At 07:11 PM 12/02/2000 +0100, you wrote:
>hi john,
>thank you for your answer;
>>If the JVC-9700 camera supports the "high-speed" video mode,
then you will
>>require additional software to access the high speed options.
>>standard mode should work just fine.
>yes, the JVC-9700 camera supports the "high-speed" video mode
(100 and 200
>frames/sec in PAL);
>so what is the best product and model to use with APAS for high-speed
>capture including this additional software (i think it can extract each
>half frame per image!);
>Olivier MARTIN (olivier.martin@ujf-grenoble.fr)
>UFRAPS - Universite Joseph Fourier - BP53
>38041 GRENOBLE Cedex 09 - FRANCE
>tel. int + (0)4 76 51 41 95 (secr.) / 41 99 (lab.) / 41 89 (perso.)
>fax. int + (0)4 76 51 44 69
Did you see
Gideon's new products already? It's
working great. I hope this will work for you too. Please let me know if it doesn't and
I'll help to solve it.
Followed exactly the NT instructions on Gideon's online FAQ AFTER installing APAS.
installed it in its default directory. /1.
Downloaded the latest APAS from
to hear from you. I remember meeting you in Boston a few years ago, with Lars Oddsson. I
hope all is well. I had no trouble at all installing APAS on a fresh 2000 system. I did
not test all possible permutations of installing it. But what I did was the
Hello Dr. Oscar Rocha Barbosa.
The APAS software was originally desiged to capture images using a computer
controlled VCR. At this time, only Panasonic manufactured the necessary
VCR with the computer control interface. For this reason, we standardized
the APAS on the Panasonic equipment. However, with the new advances in
video technology, the APAS no longer requires the computer controlled VCR.
Images can be captured in Real Time directly to the hard disk using the
Iomega Buz supplied with your system.
Your APAS computer was shipped with APAS98 Revision 9.5 software. We have
had many improvements and are currently shipping APAS99 Revision 3.5
software. Ariel Dynamics always provides free software upgrades to our
customers. Therefore, I recommend that you download the latest version
from the Ariel internet site (/) and
install it on your
computer using the following steps.
2. Double-Click on the ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS icon
3. Select the APAS SYSTEM software and then click on the ADD/REMOVE button.
4. Click YES to Completely Remove APAS System and all of its components.
5. Select NO when asked to Remove Shared Files
6. Select OK and then OK to exit the ADD/REMOVE Programs.
7. Download the latest version of APAS from /
to a
temporary directory. This file is currently APAS99WIN3_5.EXE
8. Execute the APAS99WIN3_5.EXE file to decompress the system files to the
C:\TEMP directory.
9. Select START, RUN and C:\TEMP\SETUP.EXE to install the software,
10. Select NEXT and YES to accept the License Agreement.
11. You can enter your name and Company and Serial Number if desired but
this is not required. Select NEXT to proceed.
12. Accept the default destination folder of C:\PROGRAM FILES\ARIEL
DYNAMICS\APAS and select NEXT to proceed.
13. Accept the APAS SYSTEM folder name and select NEXT to proceed.
14. Select OK to install the program.
15. Select FINISH to complete the installation.
The APAS SYSTEM folder will be created on the Windows Desktop. Double
click this folder to access the APAS software modules.
The APAS99 Revision 3.5 software provides two software modules for
capturing images to the hard disk. These programs are called REALCAP and
CAPTURE. I recommend that you use the STREAMING function in the CAPTURE
module. You can access the HELP menu to provide step-by-step intructions
for image capture.
You can also find on-line manuals and Tutorials directly on the Ariel
internet site.
Please feel free to contact me for any additional information. We are
always happy to help!
John Probe
Ariel Dynamics, Inc.
4891 Ronson Court
Suite F
San Diego, California 92111 USA
(858) 874-2547 Tel
(858) 874-2549 Fax
Email: info@arieldynamics.com
Web Site: /
Hello Doug,
I wil provide answers below each of your questions.
At 04:56 PM 5/21/99 +1000, you wrote:
>Hello John
>To purchase the recently downloaded software and receive the necessary site
>key I have to send a hardware code and a site code. What are the codes?
There are two codes that we will require to generate the SiteKey for your
computer. The first is the system parameter code. This can be obtained by
selecting the APASCES icon located in the APAS system folder. The second
is the Site Code. This number is obtained by opening any of the Ariel
software modules, then press the ENTER key when the license menu is
displayed. Accpet the license agreement and then select Display Site Code.
NOTE: We cannot generate the Site Key until full payment is received at
Ariel Dynamics.
>Could you confirm the cost of the above downloaded software is $500. (refer
>the appended message 22-4-99)
Yes, the price for the APAS workstation license is $500 for existing Ariel
customers that have purchased the Pnetium computer system.
>At what stage do you require the purchase order form faxed through?
Anytime you wish to send us the PO would be fine. When the software is
downloaded from the internet, you can install it on your system and work
with it for 30 days. Once Ariel Dynamics receives full payment ($500 per
software license), you can send us the required codes and we will return a
Site Key for your computer(s).
Payment can be sent by wire transfer using the information listed below:
*** All Banking Charges Are Customer's Responsibility
Note: Please add $25 wire transfer fee to orders less than $1000 USD.
Please contact me for any additional information.
John Probe
>Hello Doug,
>I have discussed your situation with Dr. Ariel. He suggested that you
>download the latest version of software from the Ariel internet site for a
>cost of $500 USD per computer. This software normally sells for $5,000.00
>This will allow you to put the software on any number of systems that you
>have in your lab for minimal cost.
>John Probe