January 1999
Buz Multimedia Producer is a technologically sophisticated package. Ensure your
system has the latest video and audio drivers installed. It is recommended that you
optimize your hard drive using the Windows 95/98 system tools such as Scan Disk and Disk
Defragmenter. Before installation, disable all system crash recovery, anti-virus software,
or other background-running software. For additional troubleshooting information, see
Iomega’s web site:
The Iomega BUZ software MUST be installed before the Iomega BUZ hardware! BUZ will
not function correctly if you do not load your software first!
Install the BUZ software: Start your computer. From the Windows 95/98 Main screen,
insert the CD marked "Start Here (Disk 1)’ in the CD-ROM drive. Follow the
instructions on the screen. If the install program does not start, double-click on the
CD-ROM icon then double-click the START icon and follow the instructions on the screen.
Select Software/Hardware Install
Accept the License Agreement
Select Full Installation
Select the Destination (C:\Program Files)
Start Copying Files
Select Tower/Desktop Installation Tutorial
The default install settings will automatically install the software and drivers. When
the software is completely installed and you have watched the Buz Multimedia Producer
Installation Tutorial, proceed to the next step.
- Shut down
and turn off your computer. Disconnect the power cord and remove the
computer cover.
- Locate vacant slot:
Locate any vacant PCI expansion slot and remove the expansion
slot screw and cover. Save the screw for step #5 below.
- Unpack the Buz card
: Caution. Touch a grounded metal object to
discharge any build-up of static electricity before handling the Buz card. Handle the card
by its edges. If you lay it down, place it on the static-proof bag it is shipped in.
- Install the Buz card
: Push the Buz card FIRMLY into the PCI slot and replace
the PCI slot cover screw. Caution. Do not connect a SCSI boot drive or SCSI
CD-ROM drive to the Buz card until after you have installed the Buz software.
- Replace computer cover
: Replace the screws that hold the cover in place. Do not plug
your computer in or start your computer yet!
- Connect the Buz cable
to the back of your computer. The Buz cable connects to the
15-pin connector. The longer connector is the connector for external SCSI devices. Check
orientation before connecting. After connecting, gently tighten the thumbscrews.
Audio In: The smaller of the two Buz box connectors is the Audi In connector.
Plug this connector into either ‘Audio In’ or ‘Microphone" on the
computer sound card.
Audio Out: The larger of the two Buz audio connectors if the Audio Out
Passthrough connector and goes on the back of your computer. Plug the Buz Audio Output
"Passthrough" connector into the ‘Speaker’ or ‘Audio Out’ of
the computer sound card.
- Reconnect the power
to the back of your computer and start your system.
a. After you restart your computer, Windows 95/98 will display the message: ‘Found
New Hardware: PCI SCSI adapter’, and then will identify it as Iomega Buz: PCI
Ultra SCSI Host Adapter and will automatically load the drivers. You may need the
Windows 95/98 Installation CD for the selected drivers.
b. It will then identify a PCI Multimedia Video Device and identify it as
Iomega Buz Multimedia Producer and will automatically load drivers for this also. You
will then be prompted to restart the computer. Click Yes.
- After the computer reboots, The Buz Display Diagnostic menu will be displayed. You
should see a black and white rectangular image in all four corners of the display screen.
). Follow the screen prompts.
- Connect
the video input and output devices into the Buz box. VCR, camcorder, or
other video source to your BUZ box (can be performed now or later).
Caution. Do not connect your audio equipment to the composite video input or
output jack. You could damage your equipment of your Buz card.
Caution. Do not connect Composite and S-Video inputs at the same time. Use
one or the other.
In order for the Iomega BUZ Multi-Media Device to work properly with the APAS,
you must download and install the Buz Drive Update file from the Iomega web site ( The steps for
installing the updated drivers are listed below.
Buz Drivers Version 1.2 Installation Instructions
1. UnZip the Buzupdate file:
a. Double click on the file "Buzupdate"
b. Select UnZip from the WinZip Self Extractor window
c. Write down the directory where the file is extracted
d. Select "OK" after the WinZip Self Extractor window appears
e. Close the WinZip Self Extractor window
The Buzupdat.exe file will extract twelve files (some are system files and may not
appear in Explorer);
Buz.inf Buzup.bat Readme.txt (this file)
Ctdmamem.dll H22capt.dll H33drv.dll
I2xirq.vxd Mgi16.dll Mgi32.dll
Simovl16.dll Simovl32.dll Vdmamemd.dll
2. Click on the "Start" button. Select "Settings", "Control
Double click on the "System" Icon and then select the "Device
Tab. Expand the "Sound, video and game controllers" tree by clicking on the
"+" sign to the left. Click the "Iomega Buz Multimedia Producer"
item and
then click "Remove". Select the "OK" button to complete removal of
Open "Device Manager" by holding down the Alt key and double clicking on
"My Computer". Select the "Device Manager" tab and then double
click on
"Sound, video and game controllers" icon. Single click on the
"Iomega Buz Multimedia Producer" and click on "Remove". Select the
button to complete removal of the device. Then select "CLOSE" to close the
Device Manager window.
3. Open Windows Explorer by clicking "Start", then "Programs" and
then "Windows
Explorer". Select the drive and directory where the Buz Drivers were
extracted. Double click on the "Buzup" file to start the update process
in the "Buz" folder.
- After the Update is complete, Close the "BUZUP" and "EXPLORER"
Windows (if
still open) and then Restart your computer by selecting "Start" then
"Shut Down" and then choosing the "Restart" option, and clicking
5. After the system reboots,Windows will display the New Hardware Found dialog
box for the "Iomega Buz MultiMedia Producer". If prompted for the driver
files (inf file), click "OK", then select "Browse" and then choose
the drive
and directory where the update files were extracted to. Click "OK", then
"OK" again. Click "Yes" to restart the computer when prompted.
6. Buz Display Diagnostics will run after restarting the computer. Answer the
dialog windows when prompted to complete the driver update. The process
is similar to the first time the Buz was installed on the computer.
Congratulations! You have successfully installed and connected the Iomega BUZ
Multi-Media device for use with the Ariel Performance Analysis System (APAS) and are ready
to use either the ARIEL REALCAP or CAPTURE programs.
If it appears that the images are "jerky" or are being displayed in a
"zigzag" manner, the field order probably needs to be reversed. The field order
is specified using the following steps.
Depending on the hardware and software combinations used for recording and displaying
the AVI files, it is possible for the order of the displayed fields to be reversed. It is
also possible for the same AVI file to play in normal order on one computer and in reverse
order on another computer! For this reason, the Ariel CAPTURE, TRIM and DIGITIZE programs
provides the option to specify the order for displaying the images of the AVI files.
The APAS system uses hardware and software that has Motion JPEG image hardware
compression that also complies with the major hardware vendors. After capturing the video
to the hard drive, the APAS system allows separation of each frame to its two component
When capturing a video sequence utilizing the full speed provided with today's video
standards, it is normally required to use special VCR equipment with field-by-field
stepping capabilities. Industry standard hardware and APAS software modules make it
possible to capture video sequences from a VCR or camcorder directly to the computer hard
drive without special requirement of expensive VCR equipment. Any VCR can be used as a
video source with the APAS.
A standard video picture is made up of odd and even lines across the screen. Television
standards require these lines to be interlaced. This means only half of the lines are
displayed in one field. The first (odd) set of lines is displayed in the first field while
the second (even) set of lines is displayed in the second field. These two fields comprise
a frame, which is a complete picture.
- Select CAPTURE and CAPTURE PARAMETERS. The Algorithm Defaults menu will be
displayed. Click on the STREAM tab to display the Streaming Capture options menu.
Select either Normal or Reverse order in the MJPEG section. The current selection is
indicated by the black dot to the left of the option. NOTE: When this option is changed,
it affects all other APAS software modules where the AVI file can be displayed (Capture,
Trim, Digitize, Display, Vectors etc.)
- Select OK to proceed or CANCEL to abort.
- Select OPTIONS and MJPEG. The MJPEG Options menu will be displayed.
Left-click either Normal or Reverse order. The current selection is indicated by the black
dot to the left of the option. NOTE: When this option is changed, it affects all other
APAS software modules where the AVI file can be displayed (Capture, Digitize, Display,
Vectors etc.)
- Select OK to proceed or CANCEL to abort.
- Select FILE, SEQUENCE and NEW (or OLD) and specify the
Sequence Name.
- Select FILE, NEW (or OLD) VIEW and specify the View File and
the corresponding AVI file.
- Select IMAGES and VIDEO to display the Video Options menu. Left-click
either Normal or Reverse order. The current selection is indicated by the black dot to the
left of the option. NOTE: When this option is changed, it affects all other APAS software
modules where the AVI file can be displayed (Capture, Trim, Digitize, Display, Vectors
- Select OK to proceed or CANCEL to abort.
WINDOWS WIN.INI FILE When Reverse Fields is set to 0, the APAS software reads the video fields in normal
order. When the Reverse Fields is set to 1, the video fields are displayed in reverse
[APAS System Information]
The Image Order information is stored in the WIN.INI file. Once this parameter is set
in the Capture, Trim, or Digitize module, the Ariel software will remember the current
setting. The following information is listed in the WIN.INI file of the APAS computer.
Hello Dr. Nissan,
I will provide answers marked Ariel Dynamics, Inc (ADI) below each of your
At 01:15 PM 7/26/99 +0300, you wrote:
>Dear Ariel:
>I'll be most gratefull for a fast help. We are using a BUZ and Canon
>UC-V10 type cameras. I was trying to use the RealCap but could not
ADI: The Iomega Buz must be installed in a precise order (software first,
then hardware, then an update file). Was this done correctly? The precise
instructions are listed on the Ariel internet site at the following address:
>1) I got a message it is day 1 of 90. Does it mean in 90 days I'll have
>to re-enter the same code? another?
ADI: Yes, this message means that you have a 90 day "trial" license.
After the 90 day period, the license can be extended by purchasing a "full"
>2) I got a black picture with a green upper-left corner while the VCR
>is on.
ADI: I have not seen any errors like this before. Please make certain
that the correct steps were followed when installing the Iomgea Buz. You
should also check the Iomega internet site (
to make certain
that the Buz will work with your hardware. There are some known problems
with the Buz and selected hardware.
>3) I choose "enable" in the capture preferences but could not keep it
>like that next time I was looking at capture. The same with all other
>choices. How can I keep my choices as preferences?
ADI: The Enable command allows computer control of the VCR. It must be
the correct make and model of VCR (Panasonic 7350 or 5700) with the RS-232
connectors. What is the make and model of the VCR you are connecting to
the APAS.
>4) The picture reMains black but I get a red or orange square at the
ADI: This does not sound familiar. Make certain that you have the correct
settings under Video Format and Video Source. This sounds like it might be
set to the wrong format.
>5) pressing any of the computer "tape buttons" resulted in an error
>message: "the program has perforned an illegal operation and will be
>shut down". The details were: "invalid page fault in module
>RealCap.EXE at 0137:0040f6de".
ADI: What type of computer and graphics adapter are you using?
Please let us know the answers to the questions above as this may help
diagnose the reported problem.
John Probe