Dear John,
I find the Ariel APAS software is very powerful, user friendly and
flexible for teaching movement analysis in Kinesiology and
Biomechanics. With the APASview/display function you can create sport
movement projects that show simultaneously the video, 2 or 3-D stick
figure and the qualitative data in graphical or tabular form.
These are great for teaching sport classes, also. From your captured
avi files from the Sony digital camera you could digitize and then
analyze the data. The software works on a PC platform but I think you
would be able to use the avi files from the mac.You could download
the APAS software for a free trial period and then later pay for the software.To
download, check
out the web page /
Feel to contact me if you have any questions.
Al Finch
Indiana State University
Hi Gideon 10-27-99
It was good to see you at ASB.
Many thanks for the APAS software that we have installed in our student
lab and for forwarding the site codes on such short notice. We have now
done two of the four lab groups this week and it is great to have the
students together in one room and all working at about the same point. Your
new software makes the digitizing much faster and I particularly like your
approach to filtering.
Again thanks for revolutionizing the digitizing process for instruction
and research. We will send you the instructions Aleksandra has developed
for the students. They are able to follow these instructions and get
through the whole process. My motto for the lab is "Before all else fails,
read the instructions!"
Could I impose upon your good nature for one more site key? The site code
is DF1B 12B6 7F72 393D 02.
Best regards,
Doris I. Miller Ph.D.
School of Kinesiology, 2142 Thames Hall,University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, CANADA N6A 3K7 (519) 661-2111
X88360 (w) (519) 661-2008 (FAX)
Hello Gideon, hope all is well.
A few interesting things. Thanks to you and Ken, I have
connected with Vicki Dugger in Tennesee. I have helped her with a
couple of reports. Better motivation for getting the course off the ground we have
spoken about.
I'm still hoping for completion by next summer.
Second, the Dugger opportunity has allowed me to get into your software
but, having said that, what a friggin great piece of software you have
put together! I simply cannot think of anything which I cannot get out
of it with a few keystrokes. Not that your ego isn't big enough
already, but my hat is off to you. Remeber, my ego is pretty big too,
so take the compliment seriously!
I still need some space and time to set up my AMTI, build a new
calibration cube, purchase the delsys stuff, and create some really neat
models with force, emg, and kinematics, but I've got a great kid working
for me this semester . . . a chemistry major who loves digital video,
and things should pick up.
In the meantime, regards to John and Ken, and hope to talk / e-mail
Thought that Gideon might want to know that I have
been using the APAS and multi-function machine to train for track and field after a long
lay off. Have already acheived Masters All-American honors in 5 events in my first
meet, and will get 3 more in my next. Have won three national championships, and
finished first in the Scottish Highland Games breaking a national record in the stone
throw. The technology has been extremely helpful, and I am going to try to get the
All-American Standard in every event in Track and Field. By the way, you know I have
the APAS, CES, EMG package, how much to update my system?
I am ot certain of whether you are aware of it,
but I have had two recent publications concerning the accuracy of the ARIEL system of
varying conditions:
Wilson, DJ, Smith BK, Gibson, JK (1997) Accuracy
of reconstructed angular estimates obtained with the Ariel Performance Analysis System.
Physical Therapy, 77,1741-1747.
Wilson,DJ et al. (1999).Accuracy of digitization
using automated and manual methods. Physical Therapy, 79, 558-564.
These publications may be of interest to your
users as each demonstrated outstanding accuracy by the ARIEL system under difficult
filming conditions.
Southwest Missouri State University
I am currently trying to convince the
administration that purchasing an APAS system is necessary!
Return-Path: <>
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 09:19:43 -0500
To: Ariel <>
From: (Normand Teasdale)
Subject: up and running!
Dear John and Gideon;
Payment for the markers was issued on October 29. You should have received it by now.
I am now up and running! As I said my first project was a 2-D project. We have started the
project and so far so good. We're learning more about the system everyday and we enjoy
what we see! I have validated APAS with my Selspot system. If you ever need some specific
data I could certainly pump up some specific validity measures. In this specific case, we
have used the active markers of the Selspot for comparing Selspot and APAS data. Here is
my question regarding the calibration of APAS for 2D measures. For a lot experiments, 2D
measures can be sufficient. For our initial tests, we have used a frame with 4 markers
(1.5 m x 1.5 m, with markers at each corner). Do you know if adding markers improves the
accuracy? if so, what is the best strategy in term of the number of markers and location
of these markers?
Another calibration and markers question: I am in the process of preparing 2 sports
related projects (skiing and figure skating). Obviously, collecting data for these tasks
is much more complicated than for a controlled laboratory task. My question is not really
specific, I am simply wondering if you have any particular suggestions with regard to the
calibration procedures. I know about the procedures for synchronizing cameras. I am simply
curious to know more about the ideal calibration frame, markers, lighting conditions. I
know that Gideon has a lot of experience with sporting events (in fact, he probably has
more experience than anybody on this planet!) and would simply like to cut on the trial
and error process if I can. I know also about the panning module but this is not something
I can afford right now (maybe next year!). Thanks in advance for any tips you will
Finally, at one point you (Gideon) mentioned that I could install the programs on as many
PCs as I want. I have no desire to infringe on APAS copyrights, here. In fact, in the
short run you probably will gain some customers from my actual students and collaborators.
For example, one of my goal is to develop and train national coaches to allow them to use
all the power of an analytical tools like APAS (particularly in speed skating as I have
close ties with the National Team, both coaches and athletes; I also have students that
are involved at different levels in figure skating, skiing, and tennis). However, in the
meantime the availability of only 1 PC (the other one being my own PC) for capturing,
digitizing and processing all the data is going to be a strong limitation of the system. I
would have no problem if you could allow us to have only some of the modules on
''dedicated-processing workstations'' (for example, workstations on which only digitizing,
filtering, and datadispl
ay would work but not realcapture). Anyway, those are suggestions, I would really
appreciate if you could provide me with a clear answer on this issue as it will influence
my way of organizing some of the projects (both, research and academic) I intend to
develop in the near future. Again, I will never allow someone to copy any of the software
and to use it outside my lab. Maybe a ''hardware plug'' for the realcap module could allow
some possibilities like that?
Thanks in advance for all the answers.
Best Regards,
Normand Teasdale (
Universit Laval, Laboratoire de performance motrice humaine, PEPS
Facult de mdecine
Dpartement de mdecine sociale et prventive
division de Kinsiologie
Qubec, Qubec G1K 7P4
Tl: (418) 656-2147
Fax: (418) 656-2441
Hi Peter:
You must install the software and drivers for the Buz before you instal the card in the
computer. Did you know that?
I am very happy that the system working well
Hope to hear from you
Gideon Ariel
At 11:55 AM 11/24/98, you wrote:
>At 08:48 PM 22/11/98 -0800, you wrote:
>>Hi Peter:
>> The code is: F149 E5E1 0B07 6E49 8E01 9EFB D7
>> Let me know if everything is working
>Thank you very much. Everything is working very well (except the video
>capture, which is, I believe, our problem for not installing the Buzz
>drivers properly). I have run the rest of the programs using existing PCX
>files and they work very well.
>I am particularly pleased with the changes to the new version. Moving the
>mouse up to the frame advance button during digitising is a simple thing,
>but makes the process much more pleasant. Both the transformation and data
>viewing modules now work very well in 2D as you promised.
>Thanks again for your assistance.
>Peter Sinclair
>School of Exercise and Sport Science
>The University of Sydney
>East St E-mail:
>Lidcombe NSW 1825 Phone: 61 2 9351 9137
>Australia Fax: 61 2 9351 9204
From: (Sun G. Chung)
To: "Gideon Ariel" <>
Subject: About APAS98
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 18:30:40 +0900
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.2106.4
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from base64 to 8bit by id EAA28214
Hello Dr. Ariel:
I downloaded and installed the APAS98lite to find it has more convenient user interface. I
ran the digitize, transformation, filter, trimming modules for my study to validate the
joint coordinate system of Grood and Suntay which is utilized in almost all of the
commercialized gait analysis system including APAS, Vicon and others.
. As I stated earlier that I started to utilize the APAS98lite for my research, I would
like to pay for the software.
I heard from Dr. Lee(Seong Jae Lee) in DanKook University that he has upgraded the
How about applying me the similar condition to upgrade the APAS98Lite?
Or if I pay more than his upgrade, would it be possible to pay in divided amount for a
certain period(by installment)?
Can it be possible to run APAS98 in more than one computer?
Waiting for your reply...
from Sun in Korea.
Thank you for your patience. SURPRISE .....SURPRISE. I think Iv'e got it. I
was doing some looking around and this program goes BEYOND my wildest
expectations. WOW I have not done a lot and I need to learn more about how to
use it. So I will be back on your site to do some reading. It is MARVELOUS
If it is alright with you I would like to get back to you later if I have any
more questions but I think I'm going to be OK.
Thank you VERY much.
Glenn Amundsen
Hi, Dr. Ariel,
I downloaded the ver 3.0. Actually I did not run it but I will. It surely is be a pleasant
Now, I got the c3d files from vicon of our hospital(amputee gait analysis) and viewed the
datas by readc3d.m.
A surprising thing is that almost all session(*.c3d) has lost data about 20 or more frames
during 200 or 300 frames. I do not know how they can deal with the lost data frames. The
lost frames seems to be too long to interpolate!!!
Did you hear about this problem in Vicon?
N:Chung;Sun G.
FN:Sun G. Chung
I am already amazed by this Iand I have only scratched the surface. I watched
the Discus .1t and I just about went through the roof. Then I brougt in an
.avi of Wolfgang and was litererally screaming at 2:00 am, waking the house
hold and some of the neighbors. I am so excited I can hardly wait to get up in
the morning and get on my computer. I may not break any world records with my
athletes but we will go after some school and State Meet records.
Thanks again for your kind patience and wonderful program.
Glenn Amundsen <>
I finished my doctorate in Physical Therapy from Texas Woman's University,
Houston, Texas. In my dissertation I used APAS to quantify and analyse motion
of three groups (LBP without surgery, LBP with spinal Fusion and Pain freeindividuals).
I would like to send my sincere thanks to Ariel producers, and to ask about
users of the APAS in the Middle East Region. I'll be moving to Egypt and I'll
be teaching in The Faculty of Physical Therapy in Cairo University.
Currently I don't have enough fund to purchase APAS system. However, it is
of my plane during next year.
If you please send me more information about users of APAS in EGYPT or
Hamdy Radwan, Ph.D PT
11415 Graywood Dr.
Houston, TX 77089
Hi Sun:
Was nice to hear from you. This is the way to go. Digitize automatically
while doing other tasks. We are going to have a new automatic digitizing
soon that will blew your mind.
-----Original Message-----
From: Sun G. Chung <>
To: Gideon Ariel <>
Date: Wednesday, April 14, 1999 8:25 AM
Subject: Re: Received the markers
>Hi Dr. Ariel,
>You wrote great deal of work. I did not read the tutorial throughly, but
for a new user it would be a great help with kind multimedia. Now, 0:28 am in
>Seoul, I am writing to you email, while the digi32 of this notebook is
>digitizing an avi automatically.
>Have a nice day!
>Return-Path: <>
>From: "Darren Cruse" <>
>To: "Erik B. Simonsen" <>
>Subject: Re: Hello + some questions
>Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 09:20:28 -0500
>X-Msmail-Priority: Normal
>X-Mimeole: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.2106.4
>>Hello Darren,
>>You really sound like a newcommer to biomechanics (no offense).
>None taken. I'm definitely a newcomer big time. :)
>>Why dont you
>>take a look at the APAS-system, which a lot of people use. It is low priced
>>but very accurate and reliable, the latter has recently been proven
>Thanks. Others on the list suggested the APAS system as well so I am
>definitely going to look into it. The other system mentioned was something
>called HU-M-A-N or something.
>>It is not an on-line system, but it may be as fast due to
>>online problems with confusion of markers etc.
>Wow that is the most interesting part of your comment to me - I had come to
>this realization about the need for data cleanup on my own (i.e. the Vicon
>salespeople hadn't really gone out of their way to emphasize it :), and it's
>been a learning experience to understand that it's largely part of the
>process and not something I was doing wrong. But the thought that an
>inexpensive system could be fast enough to actually compare speed wise (in
>any way) is eye opening (I had looked at a plug-in for Max called
>KineCapture which the vendor told me would take hours just to convert
>relatively short sequences).
>I'll have to read more about it...
>Thanks again,
Erik B. Simonsen, Associate Professor, M.Sc. Ph.D.
Institute of Medical Anatomy section C.
Panum Institute. University of Copenhagen
Blegdamsvej 3., DK-2200 Copenhagen N
Phone: +45 35 32 72 30 (work) Fax: +45 35 32 72 17
Phone: +45 45 80 93 04 (home)
Hi Ross,
Gideon Arial sent me some information regarding your concern about the APAS
system. I down loaded the APAS system and installed it on a number of PCs.
Gideon send me the registration numbers. Therefore, these program packages
are valid without time restriction. We started testing the system and did
not have any problems so far. Digitizing, calculating, and exporting the 3d
data worked without fail. Therefore, I have good reason to respect Gideon's
offer as being serious and honorable.
Best regards,
* University of Konstanz
* FG Sportwissenschaft
* Dr. Manfred Vieten
* P.O. Box 5560 D 30
* D-78434 Konstanz / Germany
* Tel.: +49-7531-88-3565
* Fax.: +49-7531-88-3026
* E-mail:
Great news about the deal on tickets. However, there will be very
little time to look at our system given that the data smoohting
workshop starts on the 29th. Although I guess we can be looking
at it while that is in progress.
Hey, I have had word back from Motion Analysis. They indicate
that to upgrade to Windows I need more hardware. I need your
advice on this. I think I'll tell them not ot bother and we'll see how
functional our system is after you've been here and had a look. We
have had this blloody thing for three years and keep throwing more
and more money at it and it still doesn't work effectively. We
haven't had one publication come out of it yet. This is partly
because I am still using data that I brought from Otago and have a
research backlog to clear. But still, I am starting to wonder where
this spending money for no return will end.
I think if we just use it for data collection (a front end) it will be OK
and we will use Ariel software for analysis. In any case Ariel
Dynamics will get the kudos not those useless pricks.
Here is the message from Dan India.
You have a 6 camera 60/120 HiRES system operating off a Sun
Sparc card with
in the Midas Box. 32 channels of A/D
1) And you want to move it to the PC Midas Box correct? 2) The
Midas runs
NT but nothing else is loaded on to the Midas, its sole purpose is
3) A PC NT is then networked to the Midas NT system for data
4) KinTrak is still on the Unix and due out in PC come August,
Due you use
5) Do you want to upgrade to Falcon Cameras? 60/240Hz
6) Then with Falcon's I would suggest New Phase Lock Looping
Digital VPATs
7) and if 6 and 7 are optioned then I would revisit item 3 and highly
suggest an Intergraph Dual Processing NT so that you can run
pure Real Time
EVa: Three Frame Delay from Capture to Stick figure on screen.
8) 240 Hz Resolution Monitor:
Ross: this will not be a "low cost upgrade" but I am willing to give
it a
Pure Speculation: Maximum US Dollars Based upon current
1) Midas Box upgrade to NT: $6,500 A little play
2) Dual Processing Intergraph Computer: $9,000 -10,000 If you
can pruchase
Locally with Humingbird Software Do it!
3) Falcon cameras and VPAT's $18,000 each less $9,000 ea Trade
in of 120 and
Version 2 VPATs: I can do better!
4) 240Hz Monitor: $3,000
Not much room here
To Start with the Midas Box to NT: I will seek a $ before I leave for
Standard NT computer with Humingbird / Exceed Software will run
$4,500 -
Items 3 and 4 wait for later.
Ross: I was creative for Barry once before, and I'll try to do it again.
Gideon, are we being taken for a ride???
Would appreciate your coments
Catch you soon,
Send reply to: "Gideon Ariel" <>
From: "Gideon Ariel"
To: <>
Copies to: "Graeme A. Wood" <>
Subject: ISBS
Date sent: Thu, 20 May 1999 14:06:55 -0700
Ross H. Sanders PhD
Senior Lecturer
School of Biomedical and Sports Science
Edith Cowan University
Ph: +61 8 9400 5860
Fax: + 61 9400 5717
ISBS 99 Symposium June 30 to July 6, 1999
Check it out on the web through the ISBS home page at:
Hi Gideon,
Your comments to Ross are rather interesting. I think the the MAC people are
a bunch of assholes also.
I have no intentions of undercutting your efforts, hence I am making my
comments through you, for you to use as you see fit.
We have not actively marketed AMASS for some time, but it would take the
data directly from their MAC hardware and do all functions to get identified
3D data, with methods that are still state of the art. The cost would be
$3,000 to $4,000 depending on the support he needs. David Llyod runs AMASS
in Perth if Ross wanted a reference.
Dear Jack,
I read your note concerning the need to find a used Peak or an Ariel
APAS system. I am an Ariel system user and have been so for the past
10 years. Prior to my purchase I compared the Peak vs Airel system
for functions, ease of use, flexibility, ability to be easily and
cheaply upgraded, price, and accuracy of results. After evaluating
all the these items it was very easy to decide on Ariel APAS. The
system is tremendously powerful, the accuracy surpasses Peak as
reported in this year's 3-D conference, the APAS is a fraction of the
cost of the Peak, and the hardware is not proprietary as in Peak.
The video analysis capabilities are great, the EMG and force plate
are fast and capable with many types of hardware. Presently in my lab
I have, 1 Ariel laptop with analog abilities,2 full APAS systems, a
CES, and 3 APAS workstations (the lastest has the Ariel APAS light
downloaded on a Dell p450 and a 25GB hard drive). At home I have
another laptop with EMG/force plate and another APAS workstation
that I use for industrial ergonomic consulting. I can interchange
data between all the systems in that every generation of machine has
been backward compatible. the systems are used in an undergraduate
and graduate environment and they have survived well. Any questions
or help are promptly taken care by John Probe over the modem or
phone. With the system I am averaging 4-10 projects a year compared
to 1-3 every 2 years. My research productivity has skyrocketed and
that has been accomplished while teaching 12 hours.
Its great! The value for the money is unbelievable and it is the best
purchase that I ever made in my lab.
If you have an further questions please feel free to contact me.
Al Finch,Ph.D
Professor Biomechanics
Indiana State University
Hi Jack
Why buy a any used system when you can purchase an APAS for a fraction of the
price. APAS can do anything Peak can do and has many features, Peak does not.
I am using the system for 15 years and have build a great Medical Analysis
business around it. You can integrate force plates, EMG and other voltage
output instruments.
If you want to discuss this with me, I would be happy to answer your questions.
Robert Wainwright, P.T.
Kinematic Consultants
Point Pleasant, NJ
732 714 1907
> > I am in the search for a used Peak Motus Motion Measurement System or
> > an Ariel System....If anyone is aware of one that may be up for sale,
> > I would appreciate if you let me know.
> >
> > Thank you for yout attention
> >
> > Jack Sujovolsky, MS
> >
> > _________________________________________________________
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Get your free address at
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------
> > To unsubscribe send SIGNOFF BIOMCH-L to
> > For information and archives:
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------
> >
Hi Jack
Of course it is automatic digitizing and 3d. Kinematic analysis would never be
cost feasible or practical if it were not. One problem with athletic analysis
is that it is not automatic if you do it outside. You cannot use markers.
That is universally true for all systems. You should call me and discuss these
issues directly. You can reach me at 732 714 1907. I have a
portable data
collection system as well as many stationary systems. We have several remote
collection sites that we visit.
You can actually download a free 2 week version of the APAS at
Get the sample data also. There are a lot of athletic files.
I would be happy to talk to you reach NJ. When will that be?
Talk to you soon.
Jack Sujovolsky wrote:
> Dear Robert
> Thank you for your reply....
> I am interested mainly in 3-D analysis of athletes and or patients.
> Does the APAS system have automatic digitization? The reason I ask is
> that I am in the process of writing a proposal to open a mobile lab,
> and would not be efective for me to spend hours digitizing....
> Another issue is that I have been contemplating moving to NJ, and would
> like to have you consider me for possible employment with your firm.
> I graduated in 1997 with a Masters in Phys Ed and Eercise Science with
> specialization in Biomechanics from Michigan State U.
> I went to college at Jersey City State College...If you deem
> appropriate, I can email you my Word file resume..
> Thank you again
> Jack
> --- Robert Wainwright wrote:
> > Hi Jack
> > Why buy a any used system when you can purchase an
> > APAS for a fraction of the
> > price. APAS can do anything Peak can do and has
> > many features, Peak does not.
> > I am using the system for 15 years and have build a
> > great Medical Analysis
> > business around it. You can integrate force plates,
> > EMG and other voltage
> > output instruments.
> >
> > If you want to discuss this with me, I would be
> > happy to answer your questions.
> >
> > Robert Wainwright, P.T.
> > Kinematic Consultants
> > Point Pleasant, NJ
> > 732 714 1907
> >
> >
> >
Gideon Ariel wrote:
> Hi Bob:
> Thank you
> Gideon
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Robert Wainwright <>
> To: ariel1 at netcom <>
> Sent: Thursday, June 24, 1999 6:34 AM
> Subject: Re: Fw: Used Peak Motus System
> > Hi Gideon
> > Her is my message to Jack, already send directly.
> > Bob
> >
> > copy:
> > Hi Jack
> > Why buy a any used system when you can purchase an APAS for a fraction of
> the
> > price. APAS can do anything Peak can do and has many features, Peak
> not.
> > I am using the system for 15 years and have build a great Medical Analysis
> > business around it. You can integrate force plates, EMG and other voltage
> > output instruments.
> >
> > If you want to discuss this with me, I would be happy to answer your
> questions.
> >
> > Robert Wainwright, P.T.
> > Kinematic Consultants
> > Point Pleasant, NJ
> > 732 714 1907
> >
> > ariel1 at netcom wrote:
> >
> > > Hi my friends:
> > > Could you write to this guy and tell him why the APAS is
superior to
> Peak.
> > > I really would appriciate it.
> > > Gideon
> > >
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From: Jack Sujovolsky <puchadigo@YAHOO.COM>
> > > Newsgroups: bit.listserv.biomch-l
> > > Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 1999 3:56 PM
> > > Subject: Used Peak Motus System
> > >
> > > > I am in the search for a used Peak Motus Motion Measurement System or
> > > > an Ariel System....If anyone is aware of one that may be up for
> > > > I would appreciate if you let me know.
> > > >
> > > > Thank you for yout attention
> > > >
> > > > Jack Sujovolsky, MS
> > > >
> > > > _________________________________________________________
> > > > Do You Yahoo!?
> > > > Get your free address at
> > > >
> > > > ---------------------------------------------------------------
> > > > To unsubscribe send SIGNOFF BIOMCH-L to
> > > > For information and archives:
> > > > ---------------------------------------------------------------
> > > >
> >
> >
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 1999 9:45 PM
Subject: Would you visit my ftp?
> Hello Dr. Ariel,
> How are you doing? Are you there in Australia?
> I am so happy with APAS99. We analyze about 4 to 5 patients a week since 3
> weeks ago. I developed mat lab scripters and functions to calculate and
> display joint angle(by Euler/Cardan angle of Grood and Suntay) from APAS 3d
> file. It was very hard work for me. But was inevitable to do that work for
> our patients.
> You may download the matlab tool and patient case from my ftp site as below.
> Host address :
> Download the matlab tool and add path to your matlab. Then, run scripter
> "HHdisp" which means data display for Helen Heyes marker set. You may
> 4 mat files, two for the patient data and 2 for normal data. Patient and
> normal data in mat file format are in the directory "gait cases" of my ftp.
> You can see the joint angles, COG pathway, angle and angle diagram.
> You can run "HHcal" to generate the mat files of joint angles and time
> distant values.
> The marker set and displaying format are same with Vicon and more. I have an
> idea to calculate the joint angles better than the Vicon clinical manager.
> Will do the work for " Beyond the Vicon".
> I would like to ask you some help.
> I like the apas2mat.m very much. Can you make an m file as "mat2apas" which
> can make an apas 3d and cf files from matlab matrix containg x,y,z data of
> several points in frames?
> During the processing of my HHcal.m(helen heyes calculation), I calculate
> the joint centers' x,y,z data. I would like to see animated stick figure of
> my joint center data in the apas view.
> Will you do that?
> Until now, I found that the digitizing capability of APAS99 is better than
> Vicon or Elite because we can see the patients with digitizing.
> Digital video cameras will make the APAS win the world in every aspect
> motion analysis!!!
> Please, tell me after you download my gait case. The ftp site for me is
> limited upto 10Mbyes, so, I should delete them to upload another cases.
> Hope to hear from you....
> More than two of my Korean freinds(M.D. in rehabilitation medicine) will
> come to the ISBS in Australia. They - A man and a woman - may give
> greetings to you because they met you in Korea, DanKook univ in 1994, when
> you gave a lecture for my alumni and Prof. Han.
> sun
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 1999 5:10 AM
Subject: Re: where are you now?
> Hi Gideon,
I was amazed how good the automatic digitizing
module has become. I guess it must be because Jeremy had our AVI-files, the
program seems to be tuned to our sequences. Several views were digitized
almost completely without my interference - fantastic. Tine has told me
several times that she is very satisfied with the program, but I didn't
realize it was so good. Maybe you should travel with some of our AVI files
to demonstrate the power of the system. We are right now down to about 30
minutes for 5 camera views (app 80 frames each).
Erik B. Simonsen, Associate Professor, M.Sc. Ph.D.
Institute of Medical Anatomy section C.
Panum Institute. University of Copenhagen
Blegdamsvej 3., DK-2200 Copenhagen N
Phone: +45 35 32 72 30 (work) Fax: +45 35 32 72 17
Phone: +45 45 80 93 04 (home)
Dear Mr. Tabakin,
It is very nice to mail you. You seem to plan a useful study for clinical
gait analysis.
I am a Korean(South) physiatrist(Doctor of rehabilitation medicine). I am
studying clinical 3D gait analysis with APAS(ariel performance analysis
system) interfaced to matlab. I use Helen Hayes marker set and I calculate
the kinematics with my own method which is based on Grood and Suntay's
Nonorthogonal Joint Coordination System(floating axis). Actually, I made a
modification to the HH marker set with an aim of estimating the joint center
better. I think I should study to determine the modification would be really
better than the original one.
Could I participate in your study? Or would you kindly share the experience
with me?
I would like to inform you that I have only kinematic data because I do not
have a forceplate yet.
Although he may not remember me, I know your professor via email
communication. It was like a brief distant learning and he was very kind to
teach me.
Before I use the HH marker set, I tried his marker set on the "Dynamics of
human gait".
But I gave up his marker set because
1. We have only 4 cameras which is not enough to cover the Vaughan
marker set - he wanted to call it CCC marker set.
2. His marker set "seems" not to be as good as HH to apply on
wide range
of anthropometry. It is only "seems". I do not have any scientific data on
this assumption.
You may have more ideas on this point.
Sincerely yours,
Sun G. Chung M.D., Ph.D.
Dept Rehab Medicine
Seoul National University, College of Medicine
YeonGeon Dong 28, ChongRo Gu
Seoul Korea
(T) 82-2-760-3954, 760-2619
(F) 82-2-743-7473
-----?? ???-----
?? ??: Dudley Tabakin <>
?? ??: Multiple recipients of list CGA <>
??: 1999? 7? 16? ??? ?? 2:36
??: Gait Analysis Software
Hello all Gait Analysis Laboratories,
I am an MSc student at the University of Cape Town in South Africa,
working under the direction of Professor Kit Vaughan. My thesis
research involves a comparison of different gait analysis software
packages to determine whether the results obtained from one can be
compared with those of another. The research will not assess whether
one package is better than another, but rather will compare the
results. The results obtained from the various gait analysis models
are often used in clinical assessments of pathological gait and
decisions on operative intervention. However, different models
obviously use slightly different mathematical methods.
I plan to gather 3D kinematic and force plate data on a set of normal
subjects. I will be using the Helen Hayes Hospital marker set with 15
markers. The primary format for these data will be C3D but it will, of
course, be possible to transform the data into other formats. (e.g.
the DST format, advocated by CAMARC). I would then like to feed the
same set of data into different packages and compare the kinematic
(primarily sagittal joint angles) and kinetic (primarily joint
moments) data. Oxford Metrics and Peak Performance have already
offered me temporary use of their gait analysis software packages and
I am hoping that I will also be able to process my data using the
QGait package from Qualisys and Orthotrak II package from Motion
Analysis Corporation.
I am therefore interested in hearing from you if you are using either
QGait or Orthotrak. The best way that my analysis could be
accomplished would probably be for me to send my data to you and you
pass it through your program and return it to me. I realise that this
is a sensitive issue, and I wish to emphasize that this is purely an
academic project. The results will, I believe, be of benefit to all
those involved in clinical gait analysis.
I look forward to your advice.
Yours sincerely
Dudley Tabakin
Gait Laboratory
University of Cape Town
Sport Science Institute of South Africa
Cape Town
South Africa
Tel: +27 21 686 7330 ext. 257
To remove yourself from the CGA list, mail to
with the following single-line message :
unsubscribe cga
Hi Ken
I am hoping that we will be finished by August 1. Of course, I will ship
it back to you immediately. I will keep you posted.
Ken Wagener wrote:
> ISB is August 8-13 in Calgary.
> New York went great, I was impressed with the ease of use of the Ariel
> software, and it made everything simple and straightforward. They are
> probably going to purchase an upgrade to the software soon.
> Ken
Kistler Corporation
Dear Dr. Dohle,
Gideon Ariel has asked me to answer your inquiry about the opposition
movement and automatic tracking of that.
We have had the apas system here for several years and use it on a daily
basis for 3D analysis of walking. It should be perfectly OK to use the
system for tracking the thumb movement in 3 dimensions. After experimenting
a little with the type of markers and their size, it will be possible to
track the movement automatically. You will have to use at least two
videocameras and a rather small calibration cube. You may build the cube
yourself, but I guess it is easier to order one from Ariel Dynamics.
The 3D coordinates can be exported in ascii, but you may also export the
apas files directly to Matlab, we always do that. Then it is easy to perform
an FFT in Matlab.
The apas system can also perform a frequency (FFT) analysis, but I think it
will be better to use Matlab or another signal processing program.
You are welcome to visit my lab if you want to see how we use the system
here. We have been very satisfied with the system and also with the service
from the company.
Sincerely yours
Erik B. Simonsen, associate prof. Ph.D.
Erik B. Simonsen, Associate Professor, M.Sc. Ph.D.
Institute of Medical Anatomy section C.
Panum Institute. University of Copenhagen
Blegdamsvej 3., DK-2200 Copenhagen N
Phone: +45 35 32 72 30 (work) Fax: +45 35 32 72 17
Phone: +45 45 80 93 04 (home)
Dear Dr. Ariel,
Hope this message will find you in good health and high spirits wherever
in the world you happen to be.
Just yesterday I was in contact with Stan who helped me bring back to
life one of our old APAS computers that I use for video capturing. He
copied some backup files and I am up and running again.
I have to prize you and your staff for all the help and support you gave
us over the years. As I said to Stan, you have a lot of patience with
your users, and I certainly appreciate it.
Well, there is another reason for this message. Remember offering up to
500 APAS workstation licenses? Just kidding.
We have a network of 25 computers, used by students, that we would like
to equip with data analysis software. Over the past
3 years more than 250 students had a chance to work on APAS and my
experience, as instructor, is very positive. With network version we
would be able to expose another 100/year to the APAS.
Could you please let us know what would it take to get the network
version of APAS (our network is Novel 3.12, and workstations have Win
95) for 25 users. We would like to install and test it before September
99, if possible.
I am looking forward to see you again (ASB in Pittsburgh, maybe). It is
always a great pleasure meeting you.
Sincerely yours,
Aleksandra Zecevic
Dear Mr Ariel,
Thank you so much your warm words I got today morning.
Your are really a very great person! You know I have mail-opportunity only
at my work-place (National Bank of Hungary) where I work az a secretary. It was a great
pleasure reading your human words. Please do not take as a polite gesture from me, it
seems from the mentality of your letter that You were/are a sportsman! Only the
sportsmen's have this kind of clear minded personality with opened heart.
Reading your letter some questions raised to me. I would like to ask
them below:
Dear Mr Ariel,
Please let me know that this APAS system can be used by such an outsider
(not a professional sport-biomechnics searcher) rowing coach, rower with the help of a
heart-rate monitor fixing on the sportman? By the way we bought two years ago a
Polar-Favor typ. simple heart-rate monitor for Chirstmas present for my son
(it consisted of a belt and a watch). It was the cheapest one (the prize of it was more
than 10 thousand forints in Hungary - the rate is: 1 USD equivalent 270 HUF -...) and
sorry after used some months it spoiled. The service said that the new belt would be the
same prize of the whole new monitor. So at this time he has no such monitor ,as he
has been informed that a suitable monitor which may be conneced to a computer would be
about 50 thousand HUF. (My salary at the bank is 70 thousand HUF monthly...)
Do we think well, that this would be a register wich recognizes
/gives the data about the sportman in training into the computer, and your software
analysis them?
To make the process clearer, I would phone You, but my English is
better writting because I have not much opportunity to practice it.
It is really very generous gesture from you giving us free your super
software, but first of all we have to buy a computer. This aim have been spoken in the
family sometimes, but the prize of a new is rather high in Hungary. Secondhand computer
configuration has a great risk.. If You know somebody or a shop where we can buy - as You
have mentioned - at about less then net 400 USD the suitable configurated computer,
(please let us know, because we can transfer the prize Bank to Bank operation.
The transporting fee would be the other greater sum, but I would inform
about the possibilities in Budapest.
Just now I see, that I wrote you so long, please excuse me for take off
your time so much.
If You would not mind I would call you at the second part of this
Whising You good health, and all the best in your private life as in
the scientific carrier, too
Kati Szigethy
Ps.: Tomorrow I will be one-day holiday, so I can read your message only
on Thursday-Sept.2.-.
From: Gideon Ariel
To: Szigethyne Tarr Katalin
Cc: Aleksandra Zecevic; Miller Doris
Subject: Re: Enquiry
Date: Monday, August 30, 1999 3:55PM
Dear Szigethyne:
Thank you for your message. I am sending a copy to the people
mentioned so you will have their address and they can respond.
By the way, if you have a computer, you can download the APAS
system and I will issue you the site key. It will not cost you anything. A computer
today you can purchase from the net at less then $400. If you have any problem to do that,
let me know. I will supply you all the software you need. Also, could you send me a
copy of the article you mentioned. I do not have it. My system is used World wide in more
then 6000 locations. Dr. Doris Miller and her staff are World leaders in this field.
I am sure you will hear from them. Since I am going to give you my software for free (It
cost $5000) I am sure Doris will send you the CD. We hope that in Hungary in the area of
Rowing you will join us at the 21st Century. Just because your association does not have a
computer it does not mean that you cannot get it now. As an Olympic Athlete myself in the
1960 and 1964 Olympic games I remember the Hungarian teams and their coaches as one of the
best in the World. And I know your sports institutes which have my APAS system and use it
to its maximum.
/In anyway, check my web site at:
Hope to hear from you
Gideon Ariel, Ph.D.
The World best Motion Analysis Systems and
Computerized Exercise Systems.
West Cost Headquarters:
Ariel Dynamics, Inc.
6 Alicante St.
Trabuco Canyon, CA 92679 U.S.A.
Office in San Diego:
Ariel Dynamics, Inc.
4891 Ronson Court
Suite F
San Diego, California 92111 USA
(619) 874-2547 Tel
(619) 874-2549 Fax
/Web Site:
Download free copy of the APAS system at:
Hope to hear from you
Gideon Ariel, Ph.D.
----- Original Message -----
From: Szigethyne Tarr Katalin
To: 'APASlight'
Sent: Monday, August 30, 1999 5:27 AM
Subject: Enquiry
Dear Sirs,
In the February-March issue of the Rowing Canada Aviron Journal we have
read with a great suprize about the computer-systems supported APASlight software wich
makes supermodern biomechanics analysis in rowing training methodology. Sorry we have no
computer nor at home and in the rowing soport club, too.
It is Hungary, not Canada...
But we are interested in the "Rowing Video Database, which now general
release." very much.
Please let me know where/how could we make connection with Mr. PhD in
Biomechanics Dr. Volker Nolte, Ms. Aleksandra Zecevic or Ms Doris I. Miller, who have
created a database of 240 video clops of National Team athletes in practice.
We would like to know whether these video clips could played back on
video-recorder or not. Only by the help with computer? To say the truth we do not
understant it clearly, but would be is very-very important and useful so much for my son,
Lszl Kaps, (18) who is the qualified member of the Hungarian Rowing Youth
Team, has been rowing for almost 6 years. It would be the most effective help for him
studying such video-casettes. How do rowint the athletes on the top of the
We would choose the right video clips according his age, weight tall,
etc.and creating a split screen and locking the video step by step...
If the prize some of this studying video clips would be a
reachable one for us, we would buy them at once.
Please let me notice on the above mail-address for your convenience.
We are looking forward to your response very much,
Wishing you all the best,
Kati Szigethy
Dear Mr. Millen
Dr. Ariel has asked me to respond to your inquiry to him. I am a
physical therapist in NJ. I have used his equipment, CES and APAS, for
20 years. I currently have a mobile system for collecting data at
remote locations. I use the CES for diagnostic and treatment
protocols for patients with sports, workers compensation and other
medical problems. I have also had extensive use the CES equipment in
the fitness arena. I currently use APAS for pre-treatment analysis,
Functional Capacity Evaluations, etc. In my opinion, this is the most
versatile and best equipment on the market today. I say this as a
completely independent professional. I have a booklet that I have put
together with several examples of use of the APAS in workers
compensation. If you would like a copy, I will be happy to send it to
I would be happy to correspond with you more or talk to you personally
about your inquiry. Would you elaborate more on your plans? Are you
approaching this project as a medical professional or a businessman?
What stage are you at? If I have a little more information, I will be
able to assist you better.
I am going to be in Florida for a project with Humana Workers
Compensation Division, in early October. Perhaps you would like to meet
with me in Orlando?
Hope to hear from you.
Bob Wainwright
Hi, Dr. Ariel,
How are you doing there?
Was so nice to be with you in Coto. Thank you for your warm hospitality and
delicious, big dinners, nice weather... Most of all, I was so happy that
you accepted my work as a useful thing especially because you were the only
one who taught and introduced me biomechanics. I hope our team can make the
top system which nobody can do!!!
Now I can understand what you mean with Net-digi. The doctors or PT's do not
have to have the system. They can do it only with cameras and capturing
capability. After they make the avi's the net-digi would do all kind of
processing and they will have the results. Because they do not do anything
for the analyzing process, the net-digi should provide more detailed,
multimedia oriented report relating the numeric data with video and stick to
make them determine the validity and rely on the results. I can see what you
mean... Very very good idea. We can make every hospital to have the
capability of kinematic study. The money they should spend is only for the
cameras, capturing capability and net connecting. They can have continuously
progressing kinematic system!!!
The LA was so challenging and dynamic city. Would you like to hear what
happen to us on the way to the LAX?
We went to the bed at 5am Wednesday after packing and ordering... Woke up at
7am. Departed at 7:40 am. Slightly late. But we wanted to drive the pacific
coast as you said. Drove down on the El Toro with the hope to reach the
pacific coast Hwy. Just after passed 'I-73', the El Toro became only one
lane road and stagnated. So, gave up the pacific coast, turned abruptly and
reversed the direction, took 'I 73 north' and continued to 'I-405' as you
know. There seemed no problem until we reached the long beach at 8:40am. But
sudden stagnation was seen even on the carpool lane. The stagnation was so
bad and the cars hardly moved. No exit was found. A man on radio said that
some kind of police activity was on the long beach I 405 and they totally
blocked the I 405. Got out of I 405 to cherry street at 9:55am. Drove very
slowly due to containers, trailer cars on the wilow street. It was very
lucky to find "I 710 north" by chance then, drove like a crazy man to
'I-105'. With the great help of the map that Ana gave to me, we could safely
get out the I-105 and get the enterprise at 10:30am. We did it!!! Wow, it
was very very challenging. The police men blocked whole lanes of I 405!!!!!
The weather in Atlanta is a little colder than that of LA. We will stay here
until 16th then we will back to Korea.
Again, I and my wife really appreciate for you and Ana's welcoming. Please,
visit Korea with Ana.
Please, tell Ana that we were very happy for her kind consideration and
sorry that we left so much food and sweepings.
Hope to hear from you...
You never cease to impress me both with your speed of response
(regardless of the time of day) and with the professionalism and
organisation of your business. I have printed the instructions from
the web.
Thanks very much. I look forward to seeing you on Thursday 28.
Best regards
Ross H. Sanders PhD
Senior Lecturer
School of Biomedical and Sports Science
Edith Cowan University
Ph: +61 8 9400 5860
Fax: + 61 9400 5717
ISBS home page:
I owe you a beer first time I see you! THANK YOU!!!
Off to the class. Will let you know how it works.
Ariel wrote:
> Hello Alex,
> We are going to have to set up Ariel-Canada with all these APAS systems you
> have now! I have listed the Site Keys below each Site Code. You are
> correct in using the number 0 instead of the letter o.
> I hope this information makes it in time for your class!
> John
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Aleksandra Zecevic <>
> To: Gideon Ariel <>
> Sent: Monday, October 25, 1999 6:18 AM
> Subject: Site Codes
> > Hi Gideon,
> >
> > You have a great sense of humor - always dancing on the edge.
> >
> > Here are Site Codes for 20 computers in our student computer lab.
> > Unfortunately 5 units are not functioning properly but technical
> > department is working on it as we speak. As soon as they fix problems I
> > will come back to you with another 5 Site Codes.
> >
> > To keep track which computer is which I will use their numbers as in the
> > lab.
> >
> > Please note that I can't distinguish between 0 (zero) and letter O in
> > Site Codes. There are 6 codes that contain 0 or O. As a start, I typed
> > all these cases as 0 (zeros). If the Site Keys do not work I will let
> > you know and we could try with O.
> >
> >
> > UNIT 1
out of order
> >
> > UNIT 2 Site Code:
DFAB 1206 7F4A F2FE A5
Site Key: D764 711E FC47 4A08 EEB0 6423 1B
> >
> > UNIT 3 Site Code:
Site Key: D6B1 378C FC46 9E9A EEB1 B0B0 C4
> >
> > UNIT 4 Site Code:
D64E 649C 7F43 1ED6 FD
Site Key: F7DE 7B8E FC67 D098 EE90 FE9C 24
> >
> > UNIT 5 Site Code:
D7BC 313A 7F42 ED74 BD
Site Key: F645 3B54 FC66 4A42 EE91 64C8 9E
> >
> > UNIT 6 Site Code:
DE40 0BF5 7F4B 182A 5C
Site Key: D7B2 D46D FC47 9C7B EEB0 B239 8F
> >
> > UNIT 7 Site Code:
D787 F1C1 7F42 D6E3 CC
Site Key: D63E D6E2 FC46 11F4 EEB1 3FDC F1
> >
> > UNIT 8 Site Code:
DEA4 A5BF 7F4B FC06 2C
Site Key: D7BD 0CBA FC47 93AC EEB0 BD63 34
> >
> > UNIT 9 Site Code:
DF2C 7EED 7F4A 7524 94
Site Key: F748 7E1D FC67 460B EE90 684E DC
> >
> > UNIT 10 Site Code:
DFAF D8C8 7F4A F624 8E
Site Key: F7FF 895D FC67 F14B EE90 DF3D 07
> >
> > UNIT 11
out of order
> >
> > UNIT 12 Site Code:
DEE4 9DC7 7F4B BC94 66
Site Key: D706 8D80 FC47 2896 EEB0 06CA 5D
> >
> > UNIT 13 Site Code:
D644 39CB 7F43 1463 66
Site Key: D66B AACB FC46 44DD EEB1 6ADE D1
> >
> > UNIT 14
out of order
> >
> > UNIT 15 Site Code:
DF1B B014 7F4A 429D 6C
Site Key: D6AF 4AEF FC46 80F9 EEB1 AE3B 34
> >
> > UNIT 16 Site Code:
DFDD E381 7F4A 8464 0E
Site Key: D799 F466 FC47 B770 EEB0 9935 18
> >
> > UNIT 17 Site Code:
D76C A57E 7F42 3D51 93
Site Key: D676 4F33 FC46 5925 EEB1 77F0 38
> >
> > UNIT 18 Site Code:
DAB1 8B80 7F19 5C47 8E
Site Key: F546 716A 59B4 4A08 9A43 6432 1B
> >
> > UNIT 19 Site Code:
DEA4 A5BF 7F4B FC06 2C
Site Key: D7BD 0CBA FC47 93AC EEB0 BD63 34
> >
> > UNIT 20 Site Code:
DF2C 7EED 7F4A 7524 94
Site Key: F748 7E1D FC67 460B EE90 684E DC
> >
> > UNIT 21 Site Code:
D6EA A8F4 7F43 BA5D EA
Site Key: D7C6 EF22 FC47 E834 EEB0 C6CB FF
> >
> > UNIT 22
out of order
> >
> > UNIT 23 Site Code:
D67E C901 7F43 2E3E 32
Site Key: D736 C9F4 FC47 18E2 EEB0 3684 0E
> >
> > UNIT 24 Site Code:
D66A 528E 7F43 3A4F E0
Site Key: D7ED AB4D FC47 C35B EEB0 EDDB 26
> >
> > UNIT 25
out of order
> >
> >
> > I would appreciate if you could send me Site Keys as soon as possible.
> > This afternoon I have a class where I plan to teach others how to use
> > your software.
> >
> > Looking forward to hear from you.
> >
> > Alex
Hi Gideon and John,
IT WORKS!!!!!!
I must admit I had chills this morning looking students working on their
project using APAS. I am sure both of you would be proud to see it. I will send
you some photos (for the web).
All Site Keys that John send yesterday worked just fine. Once again Thanks John
- beer follows.
Yesterday we tested easy to use instruction (5 pages) that students follow when
digitizing, filtering and exporting data. That worked well too.
Technicians are still working on 5 computers that have hardware problems but as
soon as they become usable I will send you remaining 5 Site Codes.
As always it is a great pleasure working with everyone from Ariel Dynamics.
Gideon, thanks for this "special arrangement" for our lab. I am convinced some
of our students that now learn how to use APAS will remember your system when
they go out to the "real life". Just like Volvo - they give out more children
toys during the Car Show in Stockholm than any other marketing material -
knowing that in the future it will pay off.
As for Ariel-Canada, hmmm, sounds pretty good idea. Would not you need a local
Sincerely yours,
Dear Mr. Ariel,
Our company has used your APAS since 1988. Perhaps you still remember Dr.
Susanka and Dr. Jurdik that, with your help, enabled biomechanics of sport
here in Prague, Czech Republic. At that time APAS was a state-of-the-art
system and we had been using this old one more then ten years with absolute
satisfaction. We are looking for something new, something more up-to-date.
I have visited your web site and I
am very happy, that APAS is still improving. It is great that you have
adopted modern technologies. We seriously consider a purchase of APAS for
Windows. We are especially interested about system with JVC 120Hz cameras.
I have a few questions concerning APAS:
1. Is there any upgrade price from "ancient" versions of APAS?
2. I am a bit confused about the exact product name of high-speed JVC
cameras your system works with. Is it GR-DVL9500U?
3. What is a price of software with JVC cameras (2 and 4 pcs)?
4. What additional hardware is needed for transport of data from JVC camera
into the computer?
5. Do you provide any special software or hardware for data transfer?
I would be grateful for any additional information concerning APAS.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Libor Soumar
Podbabska 3
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Rep.
tel.:+420-2-20 20 46 49
fax:+420-2-311 50 69
Hi Gideon,
Do you get all e-mails I send to John? Do I need to send you a separate mail or
one is enough?
Thanks for photos. You made my day! Now I can daydream about California instead
of working. Don't you know that it is dangerous to tease Canadians with beach
photos in November. It is so easy to get depressed. Just joking!
Ariel Center is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! As I wrote to John - you DO KNOW what
you are doing to make your and yours staff lives better.
As for APASgait I need some more time to check it out. I am teaching a course
in Physio Therapy this semester and at the end of the term students will make
presentations - Application of biomechanics in PT clinic. An option is to
present a peace of equipment and how it could be incorporated to every day
clinical operation. I will suggest to the students to check your site. Someone
might choose to learn more about it and present it to the rest of the group. We
will see.
The following is a message i sent to John few minutes ago.
Hi John,
You sleep longer than Gideon. He already sent me the Key (Site key: F637 9588
FC94 1246 EE91 E48A C8) few hours ago. Thank you any way.
He also sent a web site on which I finally had a chance to SEE you and others
this paradise you work in I am surprised your company is doing so well. I would
be tempted to leave all the stress and problem solving for a good swim.
Hmm, maybe that is why you are doing so well. Gideon knows what he is doing.
I wish I am there right now. The sky felt on our heads in London today. It
rains. It will not be long before first snow. Brrrrrr.
Gideon, a student just came in to tell me that rain has stopped but the snow
By, by I am going to the dreamland (CA).
Hello John,
Thanks for your promt reply and assistance. I tried exporting using both
the display and APAS2text methods and both were fine. Am now using the
APAS2text method and successfully reading the data into the analysis
program. Thanks very much. Once you know how it is certainly much easier
and friendlier than Peak and Motion Analysis (at least from the systems
that I used at Otago and ECU respectively).
Professor Ross Sanders PhD
Chair of Sport Science
Department of Physical Education Sport and Leisure Studies
Moray House Institute of Education
The University of Edinburgh
Cramond Road North
Edinburgh EH4 6JD
Telephone (+44) 131 312 6001 ext 208 or 212
Fax (+44) 131 312 6335
Hi Gideon,
Did I tell you about using APAS for golf data collection. Have just
written a program to calcualte all sorts of stuff from the two marks on
the shaft - forces and torques etc. There were nearlt two thousand
subjects and we collected the data in bright daylight. Most are
digitsiable automatically using APAS - only problem is when they have
shiny shoes, white laces or white trousers.
Also have now had success with underwarter balck markers for swimming.
Will now establish the protocols to use for servicing British Swimming.
We will be leading again thanks to APAS.
Read the golf article, particularly, the first one when you get the chance
- this is the model for bringing sports science and coaching together!
Catch you soon,
Professor Ross Sanders PhD
Chair of Sport Science
Department of Physical Education Sport and Leisure Studies
Moray House Institute of Education
The University of Edinburgh
Cramond Road North
Edinburgh EH4 6JD
Telephone (+44) 131 312 6001 ext 208 or 212
Fax (+44) 131 312 6335
Dr. Ariel,
Now that the spring semester is over I would like
to take this opportunity to explain to you in detail how APAS was used
this academic year at The University of Tulsa. To do so I must first
described the computing and environment on this campus.
For all practical purposes there are no
freestanding computers in the university system. I suppose an exception
would be laptops although most of them are also dockable. Any time a
student or professor sits down to use a computer he/she must log onto
the network with a public login phrase and a secret password. Upon
successfully logging in he/she is able to use that computer including
any local or network software for which he/she is authorized. So that
computer is a workstation but also a network node. I'm going to use one
of my students, Bill Adams, as an example.
When Bill logs on to a campus computer, appearing
on his monitor desktop is an icon linked to a hard drive somewhere on a
server on which he is authorized several gigabytes of disk space. This
drive is called W. The physical location of W is unknown to the user.
Bill accesses W: exactly as he accesses the local computer C: drive. He
can drag and drop from one to the other and he can furnish the name of
any folder on W: to any program requiring a filename for input or
output. For operational purposes there is no difference between the way
Bill uses W: and C: except that W: is available on any computer on
campus on which he is correctly logged on. The data on W: is permanent
as long as he is a student here.
As a faculty member I have an additional logical
hard drive called S. For me S and W work the same way. Any other person
on campus, student or faculty, can access my S: drive as read only. So
one way for me to make an APAS data file available to every student in
my class is too stick it out on my S: drive and let them know it's
there. In addition we use a course management program called WebCT which
is located on yet another server and has the capability to store, upload
and download files upon request to authorized students. Authorized means
students whose names are on my class roll.
In my office I have two computers one of which is
here primarily for the use of students who want to come in and work on
an assignment with me present to help them. Both computers access W:, S:
and WebCT as I have described above. In the use of APAS in my classes I
work with the systems administrators for two colleges: Engineering and
Natural Sciences (ENS) and Business Administration (BA). These are
located in separate buildings which have their own subnets. I am
administratively and physically located in ENS. In each building there
are multiple computer labs. All software in these labs is installed by
the system administrator. I have administrator privileges on the two
computers in my office but that's the only place I can personally
install software.
The way the system administrators install software
is to push all packages to be installed in all computers in their
subnets in one fell swoop. When they do this, the first thing that
happens is that the disks are reformatted. In rooms in which there are
one or two isolated computers they will install software on them
individually but they will not install a program on five computers in a
lab of 40, for good reason I might add. Examples of such isolated
computers are faculty offices and classrooms. We have console computers
in virtually every classroom with projectors hanging from the ceiling.
The system administrators in ENS and BA install
software in slightly different ways that have a significant effect on
how we can use APAS. In ENS APAS must be installed on each computer
separately requiring a new site key each time. In BA they can push APAS
into computer labs or complete subnets with one site key. What I have
described is referred to as a distributed computing environment.
This year I worked with three classes using APAS.
In the fall term I had a special topics class of four students, two math
majors and two athletic training majors, with the principal goal of
learning to use APAS and applying it to one or two skills. The skills
we analyzed were a standing back flip and a volleyball spike. To
implement APAS those students used the two computers in my office. In
the spring semester I had a similar class of three students, all
athletic training majors, who learned to use Gait and applied it
minimally to several subjects with normal gait. These students also
used APAS on the two computers in my office.
In the spring semester I also had a class of 30
students enrolled in SI-1004 Sport Science. This is a course we've
developed over three semesters. It has a lab component in which we used
APAS for the first time this past semester. Sport Science is a general
education course for non-science majors, for example marketing,
sociology, English literature and what ever have you majors. There is
no mathematics background required apart from what it takes for
admission to the University. These students are meeting a science
requirement which means that this is one of their few ventures into the
world of science. The course is mainly Newton's Laws apply to sport
skills. It turns out that APAS is a marvelous tool for this purpose.
There are three lectures per week plus one two hour
lab. The lab was spent either videotaping or viewing demos in the gym,
or using software, principally APAS, in the BA-100 computer lab. We also
used Matlab and Excel. BA-100 is a lab that is locked and thus
inaccessible except during scheduled periods which for us was 1:00 –
3:00 PM on six Wednesdays during the semester. At 12:00 PM on those
days the BA system administrator pushed APAS and Microsoft Office onto
the computers in BA-100 and APAS was used by the 30 students
simultaneously for two hours. After the class was over the standard
business package was pushed onto those computers overwriting APAS since
step one of the processes reformats the hard drives.
Toward the end of the semester we had five groups
of six students each do a project. These were a roundoff, a roller
hockey slapshot, a softball pitch (two groups) and a field goal kick.
The students compared and contrasted a varsity athlete with a novice.
In order to give the students access to APAS for these projects the
system administrator pushed APAS to all the computers in BA-123 which is
a computer lab with 24-7 access. Access to APAS was limited by the
network to students on the SI-1004 class roll.
After the students had done their videotaping I
captured the video using my office computer which has an attached
digital VTR. I constructed template trace files and sequence files for
them and put these out on the WebCT site in folders accessible to the
groups. I made available their image files in the same folder. A
student in the group was assigned to synchronize and trim the image
files. These were all done during a lab session in BA-100. The student
accessed the WebCT site using Internet Explorer and downloaded all the
files needed onto his W folder. He ran the trimmer against the data in
his W folder and then uploaded the trimmed files back into his group's
WebCT folder making them available to other students for later use. The
trimmed files were left in his W folder for backup.
Suppose Bill Adams was assigned the job of
digitizing two views. That's about an hour's work for each view. Given
an hour between classes Bill would go to a computer in BA-123 and
download the trace, sequence and image files he needed from the WebCT
site to his W drive. He ran the digitize module against the data and,
when finished, uploaded the updated trace file back onto his group's
WebCT folder and notified the rest of the group by e-mail that the
digitization of that view was finished. Smoothing the data with the
filter module was done the same way. APAS was available to students in
the class in this way for two weeks. To produce displays for the report,
a couple of students from each group came to my office and we repeated
the process above from my number 2 computer and printed the display that
they wanted. I would estimate that each student in the class used APAS
for about 5 hours doing the semester projects.
What I have described in detail is how we do
computing and how we used APAS. I hope our use of APAS is in the spirit
of the liberal license you have in mind. No students or faculty other
than I and the 37 students I enumerated used APAS. It was installed also
on the console computer in two classrooms so that I and my fall semester
students could present papers at the annual meeting of the
Oklahoma-Arkansas section of the Mathematical Association of America.
That required two installations of APAS and two site keys. Those
installations were used once for practice and once for the
presentations. It was also installed on the console computer in my
SI-1004 classroom where I used it twice during class time. We also
installed it on three computers in an isolated ENS computer lab where it
didn't work because the version of Windows would not decompress the
codec used to compress the image files. Those six installations will be
overwritten the next time computers in the subnet are re-imaged if, in
fact, that has not already been done.
APAS was never installed on any laptop or anyone's
personal computer. It was installed five times on the two computers in
my office due to disk crashes and operating system changes to XP and one
faulty installation. We also have the computer we bought from you with
APAS already installed, but we've never used it, principally because
it's located in a lab that is not yet wired to the net. As I recall it
has 7 IEEE-1394 ports and will be used when we need it for real time
data capture.
I would respectfully suggest that within our
computing environment there are several ways that the use of APAS can be
limited to a reasonable interpretation of the license such as locked
doors and password access. But it will be very difficult to do it by
counting boxes or site keys. At this moment APAS is installed in BA-100
and BA-123 but only Dr. David Carr and I can use it because of password
limitations. Along with the two computers in my office and the delivery
computer in the athletic training lab, these are the only computer on
which APAS is available for use.
I have been assuming that my role in this business
is to infect as many people as possible with APAS. This applies to
students as well as research faculty who know how to get grant money. It
seems to me that everybody benefits from as much use here of the present
APAS system as possible as long as it's for classroom work and
unsponsored research. It should never be carried off campus on a laptop
except as a demo and never by telephone connection. If it's proposed to
be used in a research grant, then a license should be written into the
My apologies for the long letter.
Tom Cairns