Online. Vector types Page Published on Thursday, June 19, 1997 by Gideon Ariel Vector types in APAS/Wizard All vectors in APAS/Wizard are in 3d. The application uses different types of vectors: A Reference vector is a vector that is used in a clue to calculate angular parameters for a segment. Common choices are an "up" vector of (0, 1, 0), see e.g. akfce.cervical, or a vector in a positive X-direction (1, 0, 0). A Lookat vector is used in a clue when calculating angular parameters for a segment in 2 dimensions. A common choice is a vector in the negative Z-direction (0, 0, -1), see e.g. akfce.cervical. Any vector can be edited using the Vector editor. See also AnalysisDefinition of an APAS/Wizard analysisClueDefinition of an APAS/Wizard clueElementElement types (in documents, tree views and list views)EventDefinition of an eventKinematicsDefinition of an APAS/Wizard kinematics elementPoint (kinematics)Definition of a point (kinematics)Segment (kinematics)Definition of a segment (kinematics)Vector typesDefinition of vectors types used in APAS/WizardViewDefinition of a viewWizardDefinitions in APAS/Wizard Reference: /wizard/manual/concepts/wizard.vector.html