Pointer tool
With the Pointer tool you can select existing objects. Objects must be
selected before moving them, changing their properties (such as color or size),
or even removing them.
Selecting a single object
A single object can be selected by choosing the
Pointer tool, and then directly clicking on
the object of choice. An object will show its handles when it is selected. In the example below the
red ellipse has been selected by clicking on it, showing its 8 handles.
- Activate the Pointer Tool;
- Click desired object.
When clicking on an area where multiple objects would qualify for selection,
the object that is on top will be selected.
Selecting multiple objects
Multiple objects can be selected by clicking an object while keeping the Ctrl-key on the
keyboard pressed.
Alternatively, multiple objects can be selected by choosing the
Pointer tool and then dragging on the image
while holding the left mouse button down. While dragging you a rectangular
selection area is shown (as a dotted outline with colored interior). Objects will be selected if they intersect with this
rectangular selection area.
In the example below,
the yellow rectangle, the blue line, and the red angle have been selected
because they intersected with the rectangular selection area (shown as dotted
outline with blue interior below).
- Activate the Pointer tool
- Drag a selection rectangle to select multiple objects
Step 1: drag selection rectangle
(shown as dotted outline with blue interior below) while holding left mouse
button down. |
Step 2: release left mouse button, selected objects will show
their selection handles. |
Moving an object
Once an object has been selected, it can be moved to a different location on
the image. Move an object by dragging it with the
mouse while keeping the left mouse button down.
Use the same method to move multiple objects.
Resizing an object
Once an object has been selected, it can be resized by clicking and dragging one of its handles.