Online. Page Published on Tuesday, September 2, 1997 by Gideon Ariel Case Information Prior to the Examinee�s scheduled FCE, the Examiner is encouraged to seek and review medical records for the Examinee, in regards to the incident of injury in question. The case record can usually be obtained from the referring insurance company representative or directly from the referring physician. Relevant data should include but not be limited to: Initial and most recent physician report X-ray reports MRI reports EMG reports CAT scan reports Surgical procedure reports See also akfceFunctional Capacity Evaluationakfce.caseCase Informationakfce.cervicalCervical Assessmentakfce.elbowElbow Analysisakfce.emgEMG Protocolakfce.evalEvaluationakfce.fceFunctional Capacity Evaluationakfce.finger.indexFinger Analysisakfce.finger.thumbThumb Analysisakfce.gaitGait Analysisakfce.gripGrip Settingsakfce.interviewExaminee Interviewakfce.jobJob descriptionakfce.shoulderShoulder Analysisakfce.strengthStrength Protocolakfce.wristWrist AnalysisgaitData collection protocols for gait analysissportsData collection protocols for sportsWizard windowQuestions and answers Reference: /wizard/manual/protocols/