Online. akfce.emg Page Published on Friday, September 5, 1997 by Gideon Ariel EMG Protocol EMG dynamic skin electrode data is collected for the purpose of analyzing muscle contracture electrical output balance, left to right. Placement of electrodes and period of collection varies depending upon the body part involved in FCE analysis. Body part Action Electrode placement Duration Lower back Back extension 1. RULP 2. RLLP 3. LULP 4. LLLP 30 seconds Knee Partial squat; toe rise 1. RQMed 2. RQRF 3. LQMed 4. LQRF 15 seconds Ankle Toe rise to ankle rise 1. RATib 2. RGastroc 3. LATib 4. LGastroc 15 seconds Cervical Head extension 1. RCP 2. RTrap 3. LCP 4. LTrap 30 seconds Shoulder Bilateral shoulder flex/abd 1. RADelt 2. RMDelt 3. LADelt 4. LMDelt 30 seconds Elbow (forearm) Bilateral hand grip extend 1. RFFlex 2. RFExt 3. LFFlex 4. LFExt 15 seconds Hand As above 15 seconds Fingers As above 15 seconds See also akfceFunctional Capacity Evaluationakfce.caseCase Informationakfce.cervicalCervical Assessmentakfce.elbowElbow Analysisakfce.emgEMG Protocolakfce.evalEvaluationakfce.fceFunctional Capacity Evaluationakfce.finger.indexFinger Analysisakfce.finger.thumbThumb Analysisakfce.gaitGait Analysisakfce.gripGrip Settingsakfce.interviewExaminee Interviewakfce.jobJob descriptionakfce.shoulderShoulder Analysisakfce.strengthStrength Protocolakfce.wristWrist AnalysisgaitData collection protocols for gait analysissportsData collection protocols for sportsWizard windowQuestions and answers Reference: /wizard/manual/protocols/akfce.emg.html