Online. akfce.finger.index Page Published on Monday, September 8, 1997 by Gideon Ariel Finger Analysis A computer kinematic assessment is performed for index finger flexion/extension. The Examinee is asked to perform each maneuver 8-10 repetitions to full range and as quickly as possible. The events are video taped in a precisely calibrated field for computer analysis. Each event is analyzed for total dynamic range of motion and peak velocity quantity and quality. Consistency of results [coefficient of variation] is considered for determining Examinee effort. After a thorough discussion of expectations, and agreement of understanding by the Examinee, the Examinee is asked to perform the movement events. Preparation APAS - CAPDV; Chair DV Camcorder with firewire connection to the data collection computer; Calibration frame. Large frame Small frame Room Setup Clear the working area of any obstructions that may block the camera views. Place a reflective marker (fixed point) anywhere in the view where the Examinee or Assistant/Examiner will not block it during motion. Camera Setup Look through the viewfinder, make sure you can see the entire frame - plus enough space surrounding frame - to film the entire sequence. Set focus to auto focus then back to manual focus. Set shutter speed at 1/250 s. [ Last revised on 01/12/2004 ] Finger Flexion/Extension Examples Description Markers Five markers # Left Right Radial 1. L.TIP2 R.TIP2 Tip of finger 2. L.DIP2 R.DIP2 DIP joint 3. L.PIP2 R.PIP2 PIP joint 4. L.MP2 R.MP2 MP joint 5. L.WRIST R.WRIST Radial aspect of wrist Calibration Small calibration cube Check computer screen and recheck the position of the cube, the cameras, and the fixed point. Capture data for 0.5 s. Protocol Make sure Examinee is in center of view field. The Examinee must be aligned in the field of the front portion of the calibration cube. If acceptable, proceed with data collection. Capture data for 25 s. Cervical Flexion Cervical Extension [ View typical results ] Typical Results Picture 34: LeftFinger Flexion - Picture 35: LeftFinger Extension - Picture 36: RightFinger Flexion - Picture 37: RightFinger Extension - Chart 11: Finger MP Flexion/Extension Table 11: Finger MP Flexion/Extension (F/E) Range of Motion[degrees] F+Left E-Left F+Right E-Right Norm (mean) 80 0 80 0 Examinee Sample (mean) 67.9 -5.4 41.9 7.6 Standard Deviation (sd) 1.55 2.24 10.83 1.95 Range of Motion (rom) 73.3 73.3 34.3 34.3 Trial Consistency (sd/rom) 2.1% 3.1% 31.6% 5.7% Degrees of Freedom (df) 9 8 7 6 H0: Examinee = Norm Reject Accept Reject Reject Probability (p0) 0.00000 0.00004 0.00001 0.00002 Level of Confidence 99% 99% 99% 99% H1: Side = Opposing Side Accept Accept Reject Reject Probability (p1) 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 Chart 12: Finger PIP Flexion/Extension Table 12: Finger PIP Flexion/Extension (F/E) Range of Motion[degrees] F+Left E-Left F+Right E-Right Norm (mean) 80 0 80 0 Examinee Sample (mean) 101.8 -8.5 102.7 -.5 Standard Deviation (sd) 9.8 1.37 1.09 1.27 Range of Motion (rom) 110.4 110.4 103.2 103.2 Trial Consistency (sd/rom) 8.9% 1.2% 1.1% 1.2% Degrees of Freedom (df) 9 9 7 8 H0: Examinee = Norm Accept Accept Accept Accept Probability (p0) 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.12502 Level of Confidence 95% 95% 95% 95% H1: Side = Opposing Side Accept Accept Accept Reject Probability (p1) 0.40417 0.00000 0.40417 0.00000 Chart 13: Finger DIP Flexion/Extension Table 13: Finger DIP Flexion/Extension (F/E) Range of Motion[degrees] F+Left E-Left F+Right E-Right Norm (mean) 80 0 80 0 Examinee Sample (mean) 67.8 6.7 59.8 10.3 Standard Deviation (sd) 4.06 1.75 1.77 1.19 Range of Motion (rom) 61.1 61.1 49.6 49.6 Trial Consistency (sd/rom) 6.6% 2.9% 3.6% 2.4% Degrees of Freedom (df) 9 9 7 8 H0: Examinee = Norm Reject Reject Reject Reject Probability (p0) 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 Level of Confidence 95% 95% 95% 95% H1: Side = Opposing Side Accept Accept Reject Reject Probability (p1) 0.00005 0.00004 0.00005 0.00004 Summary 8: Kinematic Finger Assessment description side norm mean sd rom cons df0 h0 p0 conf h1 p1 Index finger MP Flexion Left 80 67.9 1.55 73.3 2.1% 9 Reject 0.00000 99% Accept 0.00000 Index finger MP Extension Left 0 -5.4 2.24 73.3 3.1% 8 Accept 0.00004 99% Accept 0.00000 Index finger PIP Flexion Left 80 101.8 9.8 110.4 8.9% 9 Accept 0.00003 95% Accept 0.40417 Index finger PIP Extension Left 0 -8.5 1.37 110.4 1.2% 9 Accept 0.00000 95% Accept 0.00000 Index finger DIP Flexion Left 80 67.8 4.06 61.1 6.6% 9 Reject 0.00000 95% Accept 0.00005 Index finger DIP Extension Left 0 6.7 1.75 61.1 2.9% 9 Reject 0.00000 95% Accept 0.00004 Index finger MP Flexion Right 80 41.9 10.83 34.3 31.6% 7 Reject 0.00001 99% Reject 0.00000 Index finger MP Extension Right 0 7.6 1.95 34.3 5.7% 6 Reject 0.00002 99% Reject 0.00000 Index finger PIP Flexion Right 80 102.7 1.09 103.2 1.1% 7 Accept 0.00000 95% Accept 0.40417 Index finger PIP Extension Right 0 -.5 1.27 103.2 1.2% 8 Accept 0.12502 95% Reject 0.00000 Index finger DIP Flexion Right 80 59.8 1.77 49.6 3.6% 7 Reject 0.00000 95% Reject 0.00005 Index finger DIP Extension Right 0 10.3 1.19 49.6 2.4% 8 Reject 0.00000 95% Reject 0.00004 See also akfceFunctional Capacity Evaluationakfce.caseCase Informationakfce.cervicalCervical Assessmentakfce.elbowElbow Analysisakfce.emgEMG Protocolakfce.evalEvaluationakfce.fceFunctional Capacity Evaluationakfce.finger.indexFinger Analysisakfce.finger.thumbThumb Analysisakfce.gaitGait Analysisakfce.gripGrip Settingsakfce.interviewExaminee Interviewakfce.jobJob descriptionakfce.shoulderShoulder Analysisakfce.strengthStrength Protocolakfce.wristWrist AnalysisgaitData collection protocols for gait analysissportsData collection protocols for sportsWizard windowQuestions and answers Number of tests where Examinee performed subnormal: 7 of 12 Number of tests where Examinee performed asymmetrically (one side worse than the other): 5 of 12 Number of tests where Examinee performed worse on Left Side than on Right Side: 0 of 6 Number of tests where Examinee performed worse on Right Side than on Left Side: 5 of 6 Significant Findings Kinematic Finger Assessment: Reference: /wizard/manual/protocols/akfce.finger.index.html