Online. akfce.grip Page Published on Friday, September 12, 1997 by Gideon Ariel Grip Settings Grip test protocol is the final event of the physical evaluation. It involves successive trials of left and right grip strength and JAMAR Dynamometer grip settings 2,3 and 4. Instrument: JAMAR Dynamometer Instructions to Examinee: You are instructed to follow my instructions for squeeze relax, giving me your best effort each trial. Examiner says, �squeeze (hold 1 second) relax.� Recording the data: After 3 succeeding grip trials for each setting, the data is recorded on the physical evaluation form. See also akfceFunctional Capacity Evaluationakfce.caseCase Informationakfce.cervicalCervical Assessmentakfce.elbowElbow Analysisakfce.emgEMG Protocolakfce.evalEvaluationakfce.fceFunctional Capacity Evaluationakfce.finger.indexFinger Analysisakfce.finger.thumbThumb Analysisakfce.gaitGait Analysisakfce.gripGrip Settingsakfce.interviewExaminee Interviewakfce.jobJob descriptionakfce.shoulderShoulder Analysisakfce.strengthStrength Protocolakfce.wristWrist AnalysisgaitData collection protocols for gait analysissportsData collection protocols for sportsWizard windowQuestions and answers Reference: /wizard/manual/protocols/akfce.grip.html