Online. Sample 004 Page Published on Friday, October 3, 1997 by Gideon Ariel Table of Contents General Information Case History Job Information Kinematic Neck Assessment Kinematic Shoulder Assessment Kinematic Elbow Assessment Kinematic Wrist Assessment Kinematic Finger Assessment Thumb Flexion/Extension 1. General Information More info... Examinee Name: N/A Address: N/A City, State, ZIP: N/A Social Security Number: 0982-344-45345-44 Employer: N/A Occupation: Staffing Coordinator / Central Supply Current Evaluation Date of Evaluation: 11/19/2003 17:42:34 Evaluated by: N/A, Bioengineer Site of Evaluation: Site 1: Kinematic Consultants Comments: This is a demo-report generated bij APAS/Wizard Referral Source: N/A, M.D. Insurance Administrator: N/a Case Number: Not available Claim Number: N/A Picture 1: The Examinee 2. Case History More info... Physician: Bruce Rosenblum, M.D. Diagnosis: Herniated Disk Date of Incident (Injury): 11/3/2003 17:44:53 Complaints: 1. Frequent pain in cervical spine and lower back with radiating pain into B LE's to toes 2. Frequent shocking pain from back to neck. Pain increases with activity. 3. Difficulty sleeping. Difficulty performing ADL's, cleaning, cooking Current pain 6/10 Height: 5'3" Weight: 226 Type of incident: MVA Required assistance: True Continued to work: True Initially evaluated By: N/A Test and Tx:: N/A Result: N/A Specialty Referral 1 By: N/A Test and Tx:: N/A Result: N/A Specialty Referral 2 By: Test and Tx:: Result: Surgery 1 Date: 8/4/2003 17:44:53 By: Type: Surgery 2 Date: By: Type: Surgery 3 Date: By: Type: Return to work: Status: [Select status] Comments: 3. Job Information This data is usually obtained from the referring case manager or directly from the Examinee's employer. If no job description is available a description is obtained from the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT). More info... Job Description: Staffing Coordinator, Central Supply Provided by: D.O.T. Emplouer DOT Number: 023948-34345-55 Work Level Category - DOT: Sedentary Work Level Category - Employer: Sedentary 4. Kinematic Neck Assessment A computer kinematic assessment is performed for cervical flexion/extension, lateral flexion and rotation. The Examinee is asked to perform each maneuver 8-10 repetitions to full range and as quickly as possible. The events are video taped in a precisely calibrated field for computer analysis. Each event was analyzed for total dynamic range of motion and peak velocity quantity and quality. Consistency of results [coefficient of variation] is considered for determining Examinee effort. After a thorough discussion of expectations, and agreement of understanding by the Examinee, the Examinee is asked to perform the movement events. More info... Picture 2: Cervical Flexion Picture 3: Cervical Extension Chart 1: Cervical Flexion/Extension Table 1: Cervical Flexion/Extension (F/E) Range of Motion[degrees] Flexion Extension Norm (mean) 45 -45 Examinee Sample (mean) 21.5 -43.9 Standard Deviation (sd) 3.06 3.23 Range of Motion (rom) 65.4 65.4 Trial Consistency (sd/rom) 4.7% 4.9% H0: Examinee below norm Failed Passed Probability (p) N/A N/A Degrees of Freedom (df) 8 8 Level of Confidence 99% 99% Picture 4: Cervical Lateral Flexion - Left Picture 5: Cervical Lateral Flexion - Right Chart 2: Cervical Lateral Flexion Table 2: Cervical Lateral Flexion Range of Motion[degrees] Left Right Norm (mean) 45 -45 Examinee Sample (mean) 32.9 -32.1 Standard Deviation (sd) 2.41 6.12 Range of Motion (rom) 65 65 Trial Consistency (sd/rom) 3.7% 9.4% H0: Examinee below norm Failed Failed Probability (p) N/A N/A Degrees of Freedom (df) 8 8 Level of Confidence 99% 99% Chart 3: Cervical Lateral Flexion Velocity Picture 6: Cervical Rotation - Left Picture 7: Cervical Rotation - Right Chart 4: Cervical Rotation Table 3: Cervical Rotation Range of Motion[degrees] Left Right Norm (mean) 60 -60 Examinee Sample (mean) 32.9 -29.5 Standard Deviation (sd) 2.51 1.79 Range of Motion (rom) 62.3 62.3 Trial Consistency (sd/rom) 4% 2.9% H0: Examinee below norm Failed Failed Probability (p) N/A N/A Degrees of Freedom (df) 9 10 Level of Confidence 99% 99% Chart 5: Cervical Rotation Velocity Summary 4: Kinematic Neck Assessment description side norm mean sd rom cons h0 p dof conf Cervical Flexion 45 21.5 3.06 65.4 4.7% Failed N/A 8 99% Cervical Extension -45 -43.9 3.23 65.4 4.9% Passed N/A 8 99% Cervical Lateral Flexion Left 45 32.9 2.41 65 3.7% Failed N/A 8 99% Cervical Lateral Flexion Right -45 -32.1 6.12 65 9.4% Failed N/A 8 99% Cervical Internal Rotation 60 32.9 2.51 62.3 4% Failed N/A 9 99% Cervical External Rotation -60 -29.5 1.79 62.3 2.9% Failed N/A 10 99% 5. Kinematic Shoulder Assessment A computer kinematic assessment is performed for shoulder flexion/extension, abduction/ adduction, internal and external rotation. The Examinee is asked to perform each maneuver 8-10 repetitions to full range and as quickly as possible. The events were video taped in a precisely calibrated field for computer analysis. Each event is analyzed for total dynamic range of motion and peak velocity quantity and quality. Consistency of results [coefficient of variation] is considered for determining Examinee effort. After a thorough discussion of expectations, and agreement of understanding by the Examinee, the Examinee is asked to perform the movement events. More info... Picture 8: LeftShoulder Flexion - Picture 9: LeftShoulder Extension - Picture 10: RightShoulder Flexion - Picture 11: RightShoulder Extension - Chart 6: Shoulder Flexion/Extension Table 4: Shoulder Flexion/Extension (F/E) Range of Motion[degrees] F+Left E-Left F+Right E-Right Norm (mean) 180 -50 180 -50 Examinee Sample (mean) 124.2 -21.9 116.2 -17.7 Standard Deviation (sd) 5.77 4.64 3.76 2.94 Range of Motion (rom) 146.1 146.1 133.9 133.9 Trial Consistency (sd/rom) 3.9% 3.2% 2.8% 2.2% H0: Examinee below norm Failed Failed Failed Failed Probability (p) N/A N/A N/A N/A Degrees of Freedom (df) 10 9 7 7 Level of Confidence 99% 99% 99% 99% Chart 7: Shoulder Flexion/Extension Velocity Picture 12: LeftShoulder Abduction - Picture 13: RightShoulder Abduction - Chart 8: Shoulder Abduction/Adduction Table 5: Shoulder Abduction/Adduction Range of Motion[degrees] Ab+Left Ad-Left Ab+Right Ad-Right Norm (mean) 180 -50 180 -50 Examinee Sample (mean) 144.4 30.9 143.1 24.6 Standard Deviation (sd) 5.42 1.65 6.87 .99 Range of Motion (rom) 113.6 113.6 118.5 118.5 Trial Consistency (sd/rom) 4.8% 1.5% 5.8% .8% H0: Examinee below norm Failed Failed Failed Failed Probability (p) N/A N/A N/A N/A Degrees of Freedom (df) 12 12 11 11 Level of Confidence 99% 99% 99% 99% Chart 9: Shoulder Abduction/Adduction Velocity Picture 14: LeftShoulder Internal Rotation - Picture 15: LeftShoulder External Rotation - Picture 16: RightShoulder Internal Rotation - Picture 17: RightShoulder External Rotation - Chart 10: Shoulder Internal/External Rotation Table 6: Shoulder Internal/External Rotation (I/R) Range of Motion[degrees] I+Left E-Left I+Right E-Right Norm (mean) 90 -90 90 -90 Examinee Sample (mean) 52.4 -87 56.3 -92.7 Standard Deviation (sd) 3.82 8.08 5.52 5.75 Range of Motion (rom) 139.4 139.4 149.1 149.1 Trial Consistency (sd/rom) 2.7% 5.8% 3.7% 3.9% H0: Examinee below norm Failed Passed Failed Passed Probability (p) N/A N/A N/A N/A Degrees of Freedom (df) 11 11 10 11 Level of Confidence 99% 99% 99% 99% Chart 11: Shoulder Rotation Velocity Summary 5: Kinematic Shoulder Assessment description side norm mean sd rom cons h0 p dof conf Shoulder Flexion Left 180 124.2 5.77 146.1 3.9% Failed N/A 10 99% Shoulder Extension Left -50 -21.9 4.64 146.1 3.2% Failed N/A 9 99% Shoulder Flexion Right 180 116.2 3.76 133.9 2.8% Failed N/A 7 99% Shoulder Extension Right -50 -17.7 2.94 133.9 2.2% Failed N/A 7 99% Shoulder Abduction Left 180 144.4 5.42 113.6 4.8% Failed N/A 12 99% Shoulder Adduction Left -50 30.9 1.65 113.6 1.5% Failed N/A 12 99% Shoulder Abduction Right 180 143.1 6.87 118.5 5.8% Failed N/A 11 99% Shoulder Adduction Right -50 24.6 .99 118.5 .8% Failed N/A 11 99% Internal Shoulder Rotation Left 90 52.4 3.82 139.4 2.7% Failed N/A 11 99% External Shoulder Rotation Left -90 -87 8.08 139.4 5.8% Passed N/A 11 99% Internal Shoulder Rotation Right 90 56.3 5.52 149.1 3.7% Failed N/A 10 99% External Shoulder Rotation Right -90 -92.7 5.75 149.1 3.9% Passed N/A 11 99% 6. Kinematic Elbow Assessment A computer kinematic assessment is performed for elbow flexion/ extension, and forearm supination/ pronation. The Examinee is asked to perform each maneuver 8-10 repetitions to full range and as quickly as possible. The events are video taped in a precisely calibrated field for computer analysis. Each event is analyzed for total dynamic range of motion and peak velocity quantity and quality. Consistency of results [coefficient of variation] is considered for determining Examinee effort. After a thorough discussion of expectations, and agreement of understanding by the Examinee, the Examinee is asked to perform the movement events. More info... Picture 18: LeftElbow Flexion - Picture 19: LeftElbow Extension - Picture 20: RightElbow Flexion - Picture 21: RightElbow Extension - Chart 12: Elbow Flexion/Extension Table 7: Elbow Flexion/Extension (F/E) Range of Motion[degrees] F+Left E-Left F+Right E-Right Norm (mean) 140 0 140 0 Examinee Sample (mean) 152.7 50.6 146.7 10.6 Standard Deviation (sd) 5.13 4.7 3.42 1.66 Range of Motion (rom) 102.1 102.1 136.2 136.2 Trial Consistency (sd/rom) 5% 4.6% 2.5% 1.2% H0: Examinee below norm Passed Failed Passed Failed Probability (p) N/A N/A N/A N/A Degrees of Freedom (df) 9 8 8 8 Level of Confidence 99% 99% 99% 99% Chart 13: Elbow Flexion/Extension Velocity Summary 6: Kinematic Elbow Assessment description side norm mean sd rom cons h0 p dof conf Elbow Flexion Left 140 152.7 5.13 102.1 5% Passed N/A 9 99% Elbow Extension Left 0 50.6 4.7 102.1 4.6% Failed N/A 8 99% Elbow Flexion Right 140 146.7 3.42 136.2 2.5% Passed N/A 8 99% Elbow Extension Right 0 10.6 1.66 136.2 1.2% Failed N/A 8 99% 7. Kinematic Wrist Assessment A computer kinematic assessment is performed for wrist flexion/extension, ulnar/ radial deviation and supination/ pronation. The Examinee is asked to perform each maneuver 8-10 repetitions to full range and as quickly as possible. The events are video taped in a precisely calibrated field for computer analysis. Each event is analyzed for total dynamic range of motion and peak velocity quantity and quality. Consistency of results [coefficient of variation] is considered for determining Examinee effort. After a thorough discussion of expectations, and agreement of understanding by the Examinee, the Examinee is asked to perform the movement events. More info... Picture 22: LeftWrist Flexion - Picture 23: LeftWrist Extension - Picture 24: RightWrist Flexion - Picture 25: RightWrist Extension - Chart 14: Wrist Flexion/Extension Table 8: Wrist Flexion/Extension (F/E) Range of Motion[degrees] F+Left E-Left F+Right E-Right Norm (mean) 60 -60 60 -60 Examinee Sample (mean) 78.1 -44.9 57.3 -21.6 Standard Deviation (sd) 1.18 1.68 2.44 4.24 Range of Motion (rom) 123 123 78.9 78.9 Trial Consistency (sd/rom) 1% 1.4% 3.1% 5.4% H0: Examinee below norm Passed Failed Passed Failed Probability (p) N/A N/A N/A N/A Degrees of Freedom (df) 7 7 6 6 Level of Confidence 99% 99% 99% 99% Chart 15: Wrist Flexion/Extension Velocity Picture 26: LeftWrist Ulnar Deviation - Picture 27: LeftWrist Radial Deviation - Picture 28: RightWrist Ulnar Deviation - Picture 29: RightWrist Radial Deviation - Chart 16: Wrist Ulnar/Radial Deviation Table 9: Wrist Ulnar/Radial Deviation (U/R) Range of Motion[degrees] U+Left R-Left U+Right R-Right Norm (mean) 30 -20 30 -20 Examinee Sample (mean) 40.6 -22.3 25.4 -2.3 Standard Deviation (sd) 3.4 3.56 2.54 2.94 Range of Motion (rom) 62.9 62.9 27.6 27.6 Trial Consistency (sd/rom) 5.4% 5.7% 9.2% 10.6% H0: Examinee below norm Passed Passed Failed Failed Probability (p) N/A N/A N/A N/A Degrees of Freedom (df) 10 11 9 8 Level of Confidence 99% 99% 99% 99% Chart 17: Wrist Ulnar/Radial Deviation Velocity Picture 30: LeftForearm Supination - Picture 31: RightForearm Supination - Picture 32: LeftForearm Pronation - Picture 33: RightForearm Pronation - Chart 18: Forearm Supination/Pronation Table 10: Forearm Supination/Pronation (S/P) Range of Motion[degrees] S+Left P-Left S+Right P-Right Norm (mean) 80 -80 80 -80 Examinee Sample (mean) 96.7 -86.2 85.7 -82.9 Standard Deviation (sd) 8.47 1.66 8.86 2.54 Range of Motion (rom) 182.9 182.9 168.6 168.6 Trial Consistency (sd/rom) 4.6% .9% 5.3% 1.5% H0: Examinee below norm Passed Passed Passed Passed Probability (p) N/A N/A N/A N/A Degrees of Freedom (df) 9 10 8 8 Level of Confidence 99% 99% 99% 99% Chart 19: Forearm Supination/Pronation Velocity Summary 7: Kinematic Wrist Assessment description side norm mean sd rom cons h0 p dof conf Wrist Flexion Left 60 78.1 1.18 123 1% Passed N/A 7 99% Wrist Extension Left -60 -44.9 1.68 123 1.4% Failed N/A 7 99% Wrist Flexion Right 60 57.3 2.44 78.9 3.1% Passed N/A 6 99% Wrist Extension Right -60 -21.6 4.24 78.9 5.4% Failed N/A 6 99% Wrist Ulnar Deviation Left 30 40.6 3.4 62.9 5.4% Passed N/A 10 99% Wrist Radial Deviation Left -20 -22.3 3.56 62.9 5.7% Passed N/A 11 99% Wrist Ulnar Deviation Right 30 25.4 2.54 27.6 9.2% Failed N/A 9 99% Wrist Radial Deviation Right -20 -2.3 2.94 27.6 10.6% Failed N/A 8 99% Forearm Supination Left 80 96.7 8.47 182.9 4.6% Passed N/A 9 99% Forearm Pronation Left -80 -86.2 1.66 182.9 .9% Passed N/A 10 99% Forearm Supination Right 80 85.7 8.86 168.6 5.3% Passed N/A 8 99% Forearm Pronation Right -80 -82.9 2.54 168.6 1.5% Passed N/A 8 99% 8. Kinematic Finger Assessment A computer kinematic assessment is performed for index finger flexion/extension. The Examinee is asked to perform each maneuver 8-10 repetitions to full range and as quickly as possible. The events are video taped in a precisely calibrated field for computer analysis. Each event is analyzed for total dynamic range of motion and peak velocity quantity and quality. Consistency of results [coefficient of variation] is considered for determining Examinee effort. After a thorough discussion of expectations, and agreement of understanding by the Examinee, the Examinee is asked to perform the movement events. More info... Picture 34: LeftFinger Flexion - Picture 35: LeftFinger Extension - Picture 36: RightFinger Flexion - Picture 37: RightFinger Extension - Chart 20: Finger MP Flexion/Extension Table 11: Finger MP Flexion/Extension (F/E) Range of Motion[degrees] F+Left E-Left F+Right E-Right Norm (mean) 80 0 80 0 Examinee Sample (mean) 67.9 -5.4 41.9 7.6 Standard Deviation (sd) 1.55 2.24 10.83 1.95 Range of Motion (rom) 73.3 73.3 34.3 34.3 Trial Consistency (sd/rom) 2.1% 3.1% 31.6% 5.7% H0: Examinee below norm Failed Passed Failed Failed Probability (p) N/A N/A N/A N/A Degrees of Freedom (df) 9 8 7 6 Level of Confidence 99% 99% 99% 99% Chart 21: Finger PIP Flexion/Extension Table 12: Finger PIP Flexion/Extension (F/E) Range of Motion[degrees] F+Left E-Left F+Right E-Right Norm (mean) 80 0 80 0 Examinee Sample (mean) 101.8 -8.5 102.7 -.5 Standard Deviation (sd) 9.8 1.37 1.09 1.27 Range of Motion (rom) 110.4 110.4 103.2 103.2 Trial Consistency (sd/rom) 8.9% 1.2% 1.1% 1.2% H0: Examinee below norm Passed Passed Passed Passed Probability (p) N/A N/A N/A N/A Degrees of Freedom (df) 9 9 7 8 Level of Confidence 95% 95% 95% 95% Chart 22: Finger DIP Flexion/Extension Table 13: Finger DIP Flexion/Extension (F/E) Range of Motion[degrees] F+Left E-Left F+Right E-Right Norm (mean) 80 0 80 0 Examinee Sample (mean) 67.8 6.7 59.8 10.3 Standard Deviation (sd) 4.06 1.75 1.77 1.19 Range of Motion (rom) 61.1 61.1 49.6 49.6 Trial Consistency (sd/rom) 6.6% 2.9% 3.6% 2.4% H0: Examinee below norm Failed Failed Failed Failed Probability (p) N/A N/A N/A N/A Degrees of Freedom (df) 9 9 7 8 Level of Confidence 95% 95% 95% 95% Summary 8: Kinematic Finger Assessment description side norm mean sd rom cons h0 p dof conf Index finger MP Flexion Left 80 67.9 1.55 73.3 2.1% Failed N/A 9 99% Index finger MP Extension Left 0 -5.4 2.24 73.3 3.1% Passed N/A 8 99% Index finger MP Flexion Right 80 41.9 10.83 34.3 31.6% Failed N/A 7 99% Index finger MP Extension Right 0 7.6 1.95 34.3 5.7% Failed N/A 6 99% Index finger PIP Flexion Left 80 101.8 9.8 110.4 8.9% Passed N/A 9 95% Index finger PIP Extension Left 0 -8.5 1.37 110.4 1.2% Passed N/A 9 95% Index finger PIP Flexion Right 80 102.7 1.09 103.2 1.1% Passed N/A 7 95% Index finger PIP Extension Right 0 -.5 1.27 103.2 1.2% Passed N/A 8 95% Index finger DIP Flexion Left 80 67.8 4.06 61.1 6.6% Failed N/A 9 95% Index finger DIP Extension Left 0 6.7 1.75 61.1 2.9% Failed N/A 9 95% Index finger DIP Flexion Right 80 59.8 1.77 49.6 3.6% Failed N/A 7 95% Index finger DIP Extension Right 0 10.3 1.19 49.6 2.4% Failed N/A 8 95% 9. Thumb Flexion/Extension A computer kinematic assessment is performed for thumb flexion/extension. The Examinee is asked to perform each maneuver 8-10 repetitions to full range and as quickly as possible. The events are video taped in a precisely calibrated field for computer analysis. Each event is analyzed for total dynamic range of motion and peak velocity quantity and quality. Consistency of results [coefficient of variation] is considered for determining Examinee effort. After a thorough discussion of expectations, and agreement of understanding by the Examinee, the Examinee is asked to perform the movement events. More info... Picture 38: LeftThumb Flexion - Picture 39: LeftThumb Extension - Picture 40: RightThumb Flexion - Picture 41: RightThumb Extension - Chart 23: Thumb MP Flexion/Extension Table 14: Thumb MP Flexion/Extension (F/E) Range of Motion[degrees] F+Left E-Left F+Right E-Right Norm (mean) 70 0 70 0 Examinee Sample (mean) 72 -5.3 47.9 31.2 Standard Deviation (sd) 1.86 3.52 .85 2.54 Range of Motion (rom) 77.3 77.3 16.7 16.7 Trial Consistency (sd/rom) 2.4% 4.6% 5.1% 15.2% H0: Examinee below norm Passed Passed Failed Failed Probability (p) N/A N/A N/A N/A Degrees of Freedom (df) 11 11 6 5 Level of Confidence 99% 99% 99% 99% Chart 24: Thumb IP Flexion/Extension Table 15: Thumb IP Flexion/Extension (F/E) Range of Motion[degrees] F+Left E-Left F+Right E-Right Norm (mean) 80 0 80 0 Examinee Sample (mean) 44.7 -14.1 35.9 -13.4 Standard Deviation (sd) 12.42 2.15 2.96 3.71 Range of Motion (rom) 58.8 58.8 49.3 49.3 Trial Consistency (sd/rom) 21.1% 3.7% 6% 7.5% H0: Examinee below norm Failed Passed Failed Passed Probability (p) N/A N/A N/A N/A Degrees of Freedom (df) 11 11 6 5 Level of Confidence 95% 95% 95% 95% Summary 9: Thumb Flexion/Extension description side norm mean sd rom cons h0 p dof conf Thumb MP Flexion Left 70 72 1.86 77.3 2.4% Passed N/A 11 99% Thumb MP Extension Left 0 -5.3 3.52 77.3 4.6% Passed N/A 11 99% Thumb MP Flexion Right 70 47.9 .85 16.7 5.1% Failed N/A 6 99% Thumb MP Extension Right 0 31.2 2.54 16.7 15.2% Failed N/A 5 99% Thumb IP Flexion Left 80 44.7 12.42 58.8 21.1% Failed N/A 11 95% Thumb IP Extension Left 0 -14.1 2.15 58.8 3.7% Passed N/A 11 95% Thumb IP Flexion Right 80 35.9 2.96 49.3 6% Failed N/A 6 95% Thumb IP Extension Right 0 -13.4 3.71 49.3 7.5% Passed N/A 5 95% Summary : description side norm mean sd rom cons h0 p dof conf Cervical Flexion 45 21.5 3.06 65.4 4.7% Failed N/A 8 99% Cervical Extension -45 -43.9 3.23 65.4 4.9% Passed N/A 8 99% Cervical Lateral Flexion Left 45 32.9 2.41 65 3.7% Failed N/A 8 99% Cervical Lateral Flexion Right -45 -32.1 6.12 65 9.4% Failed N/A 8 99% Cervical Internal Rotation 60 32.9 2.51 62.3 4% Failed N/A 9 99% Cervical External Rotation -60 -29.5 1.79 62.3 2.9% Failed N/A 10 99% Shoulder Flexion Left 180 124.2 5.77 146.1 3.9% Failed N/A 10 99% Shoulder Extension Left -50 -21.9 4.64 146.1 3.2% Failed N/A 9 99% Shoulder Flexion Right 180 116.2 3.76 133.9 2.8% Failed N/A 7 99% Shoulder Extension Right -50 -17.7 2.94 133.9 2.2% Failed N/A 7 99% Shoulder Abduction Left 180 144.4 5.42 113.6 4.8% Failed N/A 12 99% Shoulder Adduction Left -50 30.9 1.65 113.6 1.5% Failed N/A 12 99% Shoulder Abduction Right 180 143.1 6.87 118.5 5.8% Failed N/A 11 99% Shoulder Adduction Right -50 24.6 .99 118.5 .8% Failed N/A 11 99% Internal Shoulder Rotation Left 90 52.4 3.82 139.4 2.7% Failed N/A 11 99% External Shoulder Rotation Left -90 -87 8.08 139.4 5.8% Passed N/A 11 99% Internal Shoulder Rotation Right 90 56.3 5.52 149.1 3.7% Failed N/A 10 99% External Shoulder Rotation Right -90 -92.7 5.75 149.1 3.9% Passed N/A 11 99% Elbow Flexion Left 140 152.7 5.13 102.1 5% Passed N/A 9 99% Elbow Extension Left 0 50.6 4.7 102.1 4.6% Failed N/A 8 99% Elbow Flexion Right 140 146.7 3.42 136.2 2.5% Passed N/A 8 99% Elbow Extension Right 0 10.6 1.66 136.2 1.2% Failed N/A 8 99% Wrist Flexion Left 60 78.1 1.18 123 1% Passed N/A 7 99% Wrist Extension Left -60 -44.9 1.68 123 1.4% Failed N/A 7 99% Wrist Flexion Right 60 57.3 2.44 78.9 3.1% Passed N/A 6 99% Wrist Extension Right -60 -21.6 4.24 78.9 5.4% Failed N/A 6 99% Wrist Ulnar Deviation Left 30 40.6 3.4 62.9 5.4% Passed N/A 10 99% Wrist Radial Deviation Left -20 -22.3 3.56 62.9 5.7% Passed N/A 11 99% Wrist Ulnar Deviation Right 30 25.4 2.54 27.6 9.2% Failed N/A 9 99% Wrist Radial Deviation Right -20 -2.3 2.94 27.6 10.6% Failed N/A 8 99% Forearm Supination Left 80 96.7 8.47 182.9 4.6% Passed N/A 9 99% Forearm Pronation Left -80 -86.2 1.66 182.9 .9% Passed N/A 10 99% Forearm Supination Right 80 85.7 8.86 168.6 5.3% Passed N/A 8 99% Forearm Pronation Right -80 -82.9 2.54 168.6 1.5% Passed N/A 8 99% Index finger MP Flexion Left 80 67.9 1.55 73.3 2.1% Failed N/A 9 99% Index finger MP Extension Left 0 -5.4 2.24 73.3 3.1% Passed N/A 8 99% Index finger MP Flexion Right 80 41.9 10.83 34.3 31.6% Failed N/A 7 99% Index finger MP Extension Right 0 7.6 1.95 34.3 5.7% Failed N/A 6 99% Index finger PIP Flexion Left 80 101.8 9.8 110.4 8.9% Passed N/A 9 95% Index finger PIP Extension Left 0 -8.5 1.37 110.4 1.2% Passed N/A 9 95% Index finger PIP Flexion Right 80 102.7 1.09 103.2 1.1% Passed N/A 7 95% Index finger PIP Extension Right 0 -.5 1.27 103.2 1.2% Passed N/A 8 95% Index finger DIP Flexion Left 80 67.8 4.06 61.1 6.6% Failed N/A 9 95% Index finger DIP Extension Left 0 6.7 1.75 61.1 2.9% Failed N/A 9 95% Index finger DIP Flexion Right 80 59.8 1.77 49.6 3.6% Failed N/A 7 95% Index finger DIP Extension Right 0 10.3 1.19 49.6 2.4% Failed N/A 8 95% Thumb MP Flexion Left 70 72 1.86 77.3 2.4% Passed N/A 11 99% Thumb MP Extension Left 0 -5.3 3.52 77.3 4.6% Passed N/A 11 99% Thumb MP Flexion Right 70 47.9 .85 16.7 5.1% Failed N/A 6 99% Thumb MP Extension Right 0 31.2 2.54 16.7 15.2% Failed N/A 5 99% Thumb IP Flexion Left 80 44.7 12.42 58.8 21.1% Failed N/A 11 95% Thumb IP Extension Left 0 -14.1 2.15 58.8 3.7% Passed N/A 11 95% Thumb IP Flexion Right 80 35.9 2.96 49.3 6% Failed N/A 6 95% Thumb IP Extension Right 0 -13.4 3.71 49.3 7.5% Passed N/A 5 95% Reference: /wizard/product/reports/sample004