Online. Sample 006 Page Published on Sunday, October 5, 1997 by Gideon Ariel Kinematic Neck Assessment Table of Contents 4. Kinematic Neck Assessment A computer kinematic assessment is performed for cervical flexion/extension, lateral flexion and rotation. The Examinee is asked to perform each maneuver 8-10 repetitions to full range and as quickly as possible. The events are video taped in a precisely calibrated field for computer analysis. Each event is analyzed for total dynamic range of motion and peak velocity quantity and quality. Consistency of results is considered for determining Examinee effort. After a thorough discussion of expectations, and agreement of understanding by the Examinee, the Examinee is asked to perform the movement events. More information... Picture 1: Cervical FlexionPicture 2: Cervical ExtensionPicture 3: Cervical Flexion/ExtensionChart 1: Cervical Flexion/ExtensionTable 1: Cervical Flexion/Extension [ Help ] Range of Motion[degrees]FlexionExtensionNorm (mean)45-45Examinee Sample (mean)80.4-70.8Standard Deviation (sd)3.253.74Range of Motion (rom)151.2151.2Trial Consistency (sd/rom)95.7%95.1%Degrees of Freedom (df)34H0: Examinee = NormAcceptAcceptProbability (p0)0.000110.00005Level of Confidence99%99%H1: Side = Opposing SideAcceptRejectProbability (p1)0.002490.00249Picture 4: Cervical Lateral Flexion - LeftPicture 5: Cervical Lateral Flexion - RightChart 2: Cervical Lateral FlexionTable 2: Cervical Lateral Flexion [ Help ] Range of Motion[degrees]LeftRightNorm (mean)45-45Examinee Sample (mean)49.2-48.7Standard Deviation (sd)2.831.48Range of Motion (rom)97.997.9Trial Consistency (sd/rom)94.2%97%Degrees of Freedom (df)33H0: Examinee = NormAcceptAcceptProbability (p0)0.029040.00775Level of Confidence99%99%H1: Side = Opposing SideAcceptAcceptProbability (p1)0.372070.37207Picture 6: Cervical Rotation - LeftPicture 7: Cervical Rotation - RightChart 3: Cervical RotationTable 3: Cervical Rotation [ Help ] Range of Motion[degrees]LeftRightNorm (mean)60-60Examinee Sample (mean)83.2-89.6Standard Deviation (sd)3.233.46Range of Motion (rom)172.9172.9Trial Consistency (sd/rom)96.3%96%Degrees of Freedom (df)44H0: Examinee = NormAcceptAcceptProbability (p0)0.000040.00002Level of Confidence99%99%H1: Side = Opposing SideRejectAcceptProbability (p1)0.008240.00824Summary 4: Kinematic Neck Assessmentdescriptionsidenormmeansdromconsdfh0p0confh1p1Cervical Flexion4580.43.25151.295.7%3Accept0.0001199%Accept0.00249Cervical Extension-45-70.83.74151.295.1%4Accept0.0000599%Reject0.00249Cervical Lateral Flexion Left4549.22.8397.994.2%3Accept0.0290499%Accept0.37207Cervical Lateral Flexion Right-45-48.71.4897.997%3Accept0.0077599%Accept0.37207Cervical Internal Rotation6083.23.23172.996.3%4Accept0.0000499%Reject0.00824Cervical External Rotation-60-89.63.46172.996%4Accept0.0000299%Accept0.00824Number of tests where Examinee performed subnormal: 0 of 6Number of tests where Examinee performed asymmetrically (one side worse than the other): 2 of 6Number of tests where Examinee performed worse on Left Side than on Right Side: 0 of 0Number of tests where Examinee performed worse on Right Side than on Left Side: 0 of 0Significant Findings Kinematic Neck Assessment: Reference: /wizard/product/reports/sample006